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Bücher von Niels H. Lauersen

Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, and educated throughout the capitols of Europe as an obstetrician/gynecologist and fertility expert, Dr. Niels Lauersen has dedicated more than four decades to treating and educating women about their health, in both US and abroad. He is the author of over 100 medical papers published in journals worldwide and he is the founder of The New York Medical Society for Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Lauersen is the author of eight books on women's health including his groundbreaking gynecology guide It's Your Body and his international bestselling guide to fertility Getting Pregnant: What You Need to Know. Dr. Lauersen is also the medical director of GettingPregnantNow.org, the premier online site for pregnancy and fertility information. Colette Bouchez is the coauthor of GETTING PREGNANT and the former medical writer for the New York Daily News. She is currently a medical reporter for www.healthscout.com, and her weekly columns are distributed nationwide by The New York Times Syndicate. Colette Bouchez lives in New York City.
It's Your Body von Niels H. Lauersen
It's Your BodyNiels H. Lauersen
Getting Pregnant von Niels H. Lauersen
Getting PregnantNiels H. Lauersen
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