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Bücher von Norman Fischer

Norman Fischer is a former abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center and the founder of the Everyday Zen Foundation. He is the author of twenty books of poetry, criticism, and theology, among them the poetry collections The Strugglers, I Was Blown Back, Success, and Questions/Places/Voices/Seasons and the prose works Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong, Sailing Home: Using Homer's Odyssey to Navigate Life's Perils and Pitfalls, Opening to You: Zen-Inspired Translations of the Psalms, and Taking Our Places: The Buddhist Path to Truly Growing Up.
Training in Compassion von Norman Fischer
Training in CompassionNorman Fischer
When You Greet Me I Bow von Norman Fischer
When You Greet Me I BowNorman Fischer
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Sailing Home von Norman Fischer
Sailing HomeNorman Fischer
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Taking Our Places von Norman Fischer
Taking Our PlacesNorman Fischer
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