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Bücher von Oliver Laasch

Oliver Laasch is a Senior Lecturer in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Manchester and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Strategy at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Oliver is author of the United Nations PRME's first official textbook Principles of Management (SAGE, and available in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Indian translations) as well as two responsible management research handbooks (SAGE and Edward Elgar). Oliver founded the Center for Responsible Management Education (CRME) and has co-convened the 'Responsible Management Education in Action' workshop series at the Academy of Management meetings, which won the best PDW award in 2014. Oliver has edited special issues on responsible management in the Journal of Business Ethics and the Journal of Management Education. He runs the Coursera MOOC, 'Managing Responsibly' and serves as Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Learning & Education journal.

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