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Bücher von P.J. Louis

P.J. Louis is currently, Vice President of Product Management for a wireless equipment manufacturer. Mr. Louis is a 20 plus year telecommunications professional, a veteran of the old "Bell System." Mr. Louis began his career as a lead electrical engineer (communications & control) for Stone & Webster Engineering within its Radiological Emergency Task Force. Mr. Louis was former chief of staff for network engineering for NYNEX Corporation, New York Telephone; a senior manager for Bell Communications Research, and is a subject-matter-expert on network interconnection. Mr. Louis has held a number of key wireless standards committee chairmanship positions within the ANSI accredited Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and was also Director of Technology for NextWave Wireless. A senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a former officer of the IEEEs Communications Society NY Section, he is also a member of the Association of Old Crows and the Radio Club of America. Mr. Louis was a member of the editorial advisory board for Cellular Marketing Magazine; has authored numerous articles on networking for Cellular Networking Perspectives and is the author of Telecommunications Internetworking and M-Commerce Crash Course, published by McGraw-Hill.

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