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Bücher von Paul F. Crickmore

Paul F. Crickmore is the author both of the first detailed book to be published on the SR-71 Blackbird, and of the standard reference work on the subject - the much-acclaimed Lockheed SR-71: The Secret Missions Exposed. He is an honorary member of several A-12 and SR-71 veterans' associations. Paul is also the author of the first detailed book about the F-117, written in partnership with his wife Alison and published in 1999. Adam Tooby is an internationally renowned digital aviation artist and illustrator. His work can be found in publications worldwide and as box art for model aircraft kits. He also runs a successful illustration studio and aviation prints business. To buy artwork, or contact the artist, visit either www.finesthourart.com or www.adamtoobystudio.co.uk Henry Morshead is a design consultant in the European automotive and aerospace sectors, with clients including Jaguar, Bentley, Citroen and Airbus. He is also a technical sponsor of the Bloodhound supersonic car, contributing digital surfacing and design services. A former officer in the Royal Engineers and illustrator for Jane's, he maintains a keen interest in the design and use of military land and air vehicles.
F-117 Nighthawk von Paul F. Crickmore
F-117 NighthawkPaul F. Crickmore
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Lockheed SR-71 von Paul F. Crickmore
Lockheed SR-71Paul F. Crickmore
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Lockheed Blackbird von Paul F. Crickmore
Lockheed BlackbirdPaul F. Crickmore
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Lockheed's Blackworld Skunkworks von Paul F. Crickmore
Lockheed's Blackworld SkunkworksPaul F. Crickmore
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Lockheed SR-71 von Paul F. Crickmore
Lockheed SR-71Paul F. Crickmore
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Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird von Paul F. Crickmore
Lockheed SR-71 BlackbirdPaul F. Crickmore
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Lockheed SR-71 von Paul F. Crickmore
Lockheed SR-71Paul F. Crickmore
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CLASSIC WAR PLANES F 15 von Paul F. Crickmore
CLASSIC WAR PLANES F 15Paul F. Crickmore
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SR-71 Blackbird in Colour von Paul F. Crickmore
SR-71 Blackbird in ColourPaul F. Crickmore
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Recce Tech von Paul F. Crickmore
Recce TechPaul F. Crickmore
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Nighthawk F-117 von Paul F. Crickmore
Nighthawk F-117Paul F. Crickmore