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Bücher von Rachel Ruiz

Rachel Ruiz is the author of several children's books. She was inspired to write her first picture book, When Penny met POTUS, after working for Barack Obama on his re-election campaign in 2012. When Rachel isn't writing books, she writes and produces TV shows and documentaries. She lives in her hometown of Chicago with her husband and their daughter. Steve May is a professional illustrator and animation director. He says he spent his childhood drawing lots of things and discovering interesting ways of injuring himself.
The Breaktime Bully von Rachel Ruiz
The Breaktime BullyRachel Ruiz
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The Runaway Robot von Rachel Ruiz
The Runaway RobotRachel Ruiz
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The Superhero Project von Rachel Ruiz
The Superhero ProjectRachel Ruiz
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Superhero Harry von ,Rachel Ruiz
Superhero Harry,Rachel Ruiz
The Wild Field Trip von Rachel Ruiz
The Wild Field TripRachel Ruiz
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