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Bücher von Richard H. Osborne

David Goodey s father, Albert William Goodey, joined the Royal Navy on 26 April 1938 at the age of 20. Having completed training at Chatham as a Rating in the engineering division he took his first commission in the new Hero-class destroyer HMS Havock on 29 September 1938. Albert remained part of Havoc s crew until 14 November 1941 just five months before she was lost. Richard Osborne is a retired lecturer in Pharmacology who was born in Portsmouth in 1948 and awarded a Ph.D in Neurochemistry by Imperial College in 1974. He has always had a keen interest in ships, joining the World Ship Society in 1962 and serving as its Chairman from 2000 to 2012. He has contributed to various magazines and has written or co-authored several books.