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Bücher von Ronald F. Levant

RONALD F. LEVANT, EdD, is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. The founder and former director of the Boston University Fatherhood Project, Dr. Levant is the author of 60 refereed articles and book chapters and ten books, including Between Father and Child (with John Kelly), Masculinity Reconstructed (with Gini Kopecky), and A New Psychology of Men (edited with William Pollack). GARY R. BROOKS, PhD, is Chief of Psychology Service at the O. E. Teague Veterans Center, Temple, Texas. He is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences with the Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center. Gary Brooks is author of numerous refereed articles and book chapters, as well as the book The Centerfold Syndrome, and coauthor of Bridging Separate Gender Worlds. Dr. Brooks conducts frequent continuing education workshops.

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