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Bücher von Steve McQuerry

Steve McQuerry

, CCIE No. 6108, is a technical solutions architect with Cisco Systems focused on data center solutions. Steve works with enterprise customers in the

midwestern United States to help them plan their data center architectures. Steve has been an active member of the internetworking community since 1991 and has held multiple

certifications from Novell, Microsoft, and Cisco. Steve holds a BS degree in physics from Eastern Kentucky University. Prior to joining Cisco, Steve worked as a consultant for various companies and as an independent contractor with Global Knowledge, where he taught and developed coursework around Cisco technologies and certifications.

David Jansen, CCIE No. 5952, is a vertical solutions architect for manufacturing for U.S Enterprise Segment. David has more than 20 years experience in the information technology

industry. He has held multiple certifications from Microsoft, Novell, Checkpoint, and Cisco. His focus is to work with Enterprise customers to address end to end manufacturing architectures. David has been with Cisco for 11 years, and working as a manufacturing architect for the past year has provided unique experiences helping customers build architectural solutions for manufacturing connectivity. David holds a BSE degree in computer science from the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) and an MA degree in adult education from Central Michigan University.

David Hucaby, CCIE No. 4594, is a lead network engineer for the University of Kentucky, where he works with healthcare networks based on the Cisco Catalyst, IP Telephony, PIX, and VPN product lines. Prior to his current position, David was a senior network consultant, where he provided design and implementation consulting, focusing on Cisco-based VPN and IP Telephony solutions. David has BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Kentucky.

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