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Bücher von Steve Pousty

Steve is a Dad, Son, Partner, and PaaS Dust Spreader (aka developer evangelist) with OpenShift. He goes around and shows off all the great work the OpenShift engineers do. Katie Miller, also known as codemiller, works as an OpenShift Developer Advocate at Red Hat. Katie is a polyglot programmer with a penchant for Haskell. The functional programming enthusiast co-founded the Lambda Ladies online community and co-organizes the Brisbane Functional Programming Group. Katie is a familiar face at an array of Meetup groups spanning a variety of programming language communities, including Java, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. The former newspaper journalist has presented at conferences and Meetups across Australia and New Zealand and as far afield as Budapest, Hungary. Katie is passionate about coding, open source, software quality, languages of all kinds, and encouraging more girls and women to pursue careers in technology.

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