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Bücher von Susanne Gannon

Susanne Gannon is Associate Professor in the School of Education at Western Sydney University. Her research interests include gender and equity issues in education. She has co-authored and co-edited seven previous books including Pedagogical Encounters, Place Pedagogy Change, Contemporary Issues in Equity in Education and, most recently, Becoming Girl. She currently coedits the journal Gender and Education. Robert Hattam is a Professor in the School of Education at the University of South Australia. He has co-authored Schooling for a Fair Go, Teachers' Work in a Globalizing Economy, Reconciliation and Pedagogy, Dropping Out, Drifting Off, Being Excluded and, most recently, Literacy, Leading and Learning - the latter two for Routledge. Wayne Sawyer is a Professor in the School of Education at Western Sydney University. His research interests are in curriculum and schooling in high-poverty contexts. He has recently co-authored Exemplary Teachers of Students in Poverty and Engaging Schooling: Developing Exemplary Education for Students in Poverty - both for Routledge.

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