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Bücher von Terry Robinson

Terry Robinson
Terry has been the Specialist Respiratory Nurse for the past 8 years at Harrogate. Previously she has worked as a COPD Nurse Advisor, and as a Practice Nurse specialising in chronic disease management. Most of her time is spent with patients with obstructive lung diseases, such as asthma and COPD, offering direct patient care and in educating other health professionals to diagnose and manage their patients. She is very interested in research, has undertaken qualitative research looking at the needs of patients and their family who have respiratory disease, and has presented the findings of the research at international and national conferences.
She has a first class honours degree in Respiratory Health, and will shortly complete a Masters degree in Respiratory Management.
Jane Scullion
Jane is a Respiratory Nurse Consultant working with patients with chronic respiratory diseases across the interface of primary and secondary care. She is also an Honorary Clinical Research Fellow at the Aberdeen University department of General Practice and Primary Care, and Honorary senior Lecturer at De Montfort University Leicester.

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