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Bücher von Willibald Steinmetz

Willibald Steinmetz is Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at Bielefeld University. He has published widely on conceptual history and is co-editor of the book series Historische Semantik with Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Among his publications are the edited volumes "Politik": Situationen eines Wortgebrauchs im Europa der Neuzeit (2007), Political Languages in the Age of Extremes (2011) and Historische Semantik des Politischen: Vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert, with Ulrich Meier and Martin Papenheim (2012). Michael Freeden is Professor of Political Theory at the University of Nottingham and Emeritus Professor of Politics at the University of Oxford. His main interests are the nature of political thinking, the analysis of ideologies, and the study of liberal thought from the 19th century onwards. His books include Comparative Political Thought: Theorizing Practices (2013) and Liberalism: A Very Short Introduction. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Political Ideologies. Javier Fernandez Sebastian is Professor of History of Political Thought at the University of the Basque Country. He has published extensively on modern intellectual and conceptual history, with a particular focus on Spain and the Iberian world. He serves on the editorial board of a various journals as well as the series International Archives of the History of Ideas with Springer Verlag. He has recently edited the volumes Political Concepts and Time: New Approaches to Conceptual History (2011) and La Aurora de la Libertad. Los primeros liberalismos iberoamericanos (2012).

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