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History of Psychology David Hothersall

History of Psychology von David Hothersall

History of Psychology David Hothersall

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With its biographical approach, this text reveals important scientific accomplishments of psychology through the lives and careers of the men and women who have made groundbreaking discoveries. Both the successes and the failures of these distinguished psychologists provide a history, and show students its relevance to contemporary psychology.

History of Psychology Zusammenfassung

History of Psychology David Hothersall

With its biographical approach, this text reveals the important scientific accomplishments of psychology through the fascinating lives and careers of the men and women who have made groundbreaking discoveries. Both the successes and the failures of these distinguished psychologists provide a thorough and complete history and show students its relevance to contemporary psychology.


INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: Psychology and the Ancients CHAPTER 2: Philosophical and Scientific Antecedents of Psychology CHAPTER 3: Early Studies of the Central Nervous System CHAPTER 4: Wilhelm Wundt and the Founding of Psychology CHAPTER 5: Edward Titchener and Hugo Minsterbern CHAPTER 6: Other German Psychologists of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries CHAPTER 7: Gestalt Psychology in Germany and the United States CHAPTER 8: The Early History of Clinical Psychology and the Development Psychoanalysis CHAPTER 9: Forerunners of Functionalism in England and the United States CHAPTER 10: Functionalism at the University of Chicago and Columbia University CHAPTER 11: Historical Uses and Abuses of Intelligence Testing CHAPTER 12: The Behaviorism of John B. Watson and the Work of Ivan Paylor CHAPTER 13: Four Neobehaviorist Psychologists CHAPTER 14 Epilogue- Recent Developments in Psychology

Zusätzliche Informationen

History of Psychology David Hothersall
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
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