Ground Cover Plants by Margery Fish

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Ground Cover Plants by Margery Fish

Regular price €5.19
Condition - good
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Regular price €5.19
Condition - good
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Margery Fish, the leading gardener in the 1960s, had a love for the informal style of gardening, which is particularly evident in Ground Cover Plants. It shows not only her awareness of the practical problems of an acid soil or an awkward bank, but also her sensitivity to the colour and shape of foliage.

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Ground Cover Plants by Margery Fish

Margery Fish, the leading gardener in the 1960s, had a love for the informal style of gardening, which is particularly evident in Ground Cover Plants. It shows not only her awareness of the practical problems of an acid soil or an awkward bank, but also her sensitivity to the colour and shape of foliage. The various subjects recommended for different situations – shrubs, conifers, herbaceous plants and annuals and rock garden plants – all have positive special features of their own.   The reappearance of this invaluable guide to the use of ground cover will be welcomed with great pleasure both by those already familiar with Margery Fish’s works, and those who come to them for the first time. Graham Rice, the widely published gardening author and the 'London Evening Standard' gardening correspondent, has reviewed the plant names in the original text, providing a plant-name section at the back of the book. This provides a way of identifying current plants from their old Latin names.
Margery Fish was one of the most admired gardeners and garden writers of her day, after Vita Sackville-West.  Her many articles and books inspired garden enthusiasts with her easy read knowledge and observation.  A passion for nature and ability to mix plants effectively even in the smallest space and in differing environments, made her ideas relevant to all gardeners of her time and for future generations of gardeners.
SKU GOR003245917
ISBN 13 9780713487510
ISBN 10 0713487518
Title Ground Cover Plants
Author Margery Fish
Condition good
Binding type Paperback
Publisher Batsford Ltd
Year published 2002-07-29
Number of pages 144
Cover note Die Abbildung des Buches dient nur Illustrationszwecken, die tatsächliche Bindung, das Cover und die Auflage können sich davon unterscheiden.
Note Dies ist ein gebrauchtes Buch. Es wurde schon einmal gelesen und weist von der früheren Nutzung Gebrauchsspuren auf. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es im Großen und Ganzen in einem guten Zustand ist. Sollten Sie jedoch nicht vollständig zufrieden sein, setzen Sie sich bitte mit uns in Verbindung.