Teatime Tales from Dundee by Maureen Reynolds
Maureen Reynolds was born and brought up in Dundee and her new collection of stories from the city is a nostalgic and affectionate look back at the city as it once was. These true tales are from the years before, during and after the Second World War and include a look at many aspects of now-forgotten life in Dundee. There are tales from the playground, of well-known local characters, of 'spookie nichts' and 'piggyback planes', ghost stories, tales of market days and tattie gatherers, all told with a genuine warmth that will appeal to Dundonians everywhere and anyone who enjoys a good old-fashioned tale.
Born in Dundee in 1938, Maureen Reynolds lived with her mother, grandad and brother in two rooms on Macdonald Street. She left school at 15 and has held a variety of jobs; currently she works at her local garage. Married in 1956, she has four children and seven grandchildren. Maureen is the bestselling author of Voices in the Street and The Sunday Girls.
SKU | GOR001766907 |
ISBN 13 | 9781845022495 |
ISBN 10 | 1845022491 |
Title | Teatime Tales from Dundee |
Author | Maureen Reynolds |
Condition | very good |
Binding type | Hardback |
Publisher | Bonnier Books Ltd |
Year published | 2009-07-06 |
Number of pages | 224 |
Cover note | Die Abbildung des Buches dient nur Illustrationszwecken, die tatsächliche Bindung, das Cover und die Auflage können sich davon unterscheiden. |
Note | Dies ist ein gebrauchtes Buch. Es wurde schon einmal gelesen und weist von der früheren Nutzung Gebrauchsspuren auf. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es im Großen und Ganzen in einem sehr guten Zustand ist. Sollten Sie jedoch nicht vollständig zufrieden sein, setzen Sie sich bitte mit uns in Verbindung. |