Sunrise Good News Bible (GNB) by Pond Michael

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Sunrise Good News Bible (GNB) by Pond Michael

Regular price €7.69
Buchzustand - Sehr Gut
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Regular price €7.69
Buchzustand - Sehr Gut
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2016 BIBLE OF THE YEAR – CRT Awards 2016 A bright, accessible new edition of the UK’s bestselling Bible translation, perfect for readers of all ages.

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  • 100 % recycelbare Verpackung
  • Stolz darauf, eine B Corp zu sein – ein Unternehmen für das Gute

Sunrise Good News Bible (GNB) by Pond Michael

2016 BIBLE OF THE YEAR – CRT Awards 2016 A bright, accessible new edition of the UK’s bestselling Bible translation, perfect for readers of all ages. The Sunrise Good News Bible offers the perfect combination of readable, authoritative Bible text, with a unique range of extra features to help you get the most out of the Bible, including the much-loved line drawings by Annie Vallotton – many published for the first time in this edition. If you are looking for an easy-to-read Bible text, or a more grown-up version of the Bible you remember using as a child, the Sunrise is the Bible for you. Also provided in this brand new edition are specially written introductions to each book from Nick Page, bestselling author of “The Bible Book”. Short and immediately understandable, they will compel you to read on. This edition also contains a wide range of extra features to help you find your way around the Bible with ease and the following sections are provided to help you learn a little bit more: 20 must-read passages • The life of Jesus • A guide to the Christian year • How did we get the Bible? • Easy access contents lists inside the front and back covers • Side-bar navigation • Ultra-clear text and Bible maps • British English text

‘Too many people read the Bible with a severe face, but I say no, the Bible is not thatThe Bible is life, and it is wonderful!’ – Annie Vallotton, Illustrator.

The Good News Bible was the world’s first truly “easy-to-read” Bible translation. In its first edition published under the title Good News for Modern Man it was a bestseller, and today is still the UK’s most popular Bible translation.

The GNB aims to give today’s readers maximum understanding of the content of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. It does not follow the traditional vocabulary and style found in historic English Bible versions; instead, it attempts to present the biblical content and message in standard, everyday, natural English – and it’s regularly updated to make sure it reflects contemporary English usage. Published by Collins in partnership with the Bible Society.

SKU GOR006374584
ISBN 13 9780007480128
ISBN 10 0007480121
Titel Sunrise Good News Bible (GNB)
Autor Pond Michael
Buchzustand Sehr Gut
Bindungsart Hardback
Verlag HarperCollins Publishers
Erscheinungsjahr 2014-03-13
Seitenanzahl 1280
Hinweis auf dem Einband Die Abbildung des Buches dient nur Illustrationszwecken, die tatsächliche Bindung, das Cover und die Auflage können sich davon unterscheiden.
Hinweis Dies ist ein gebrauchtes Buch. Es wurde schon einmal gelesen und weist von der früheren Nutzung Gebrauchsspuren auf. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es im Großen und Ganzen in einem sehr guten Zustand ist. Sollten Sie jedoch nicht vollständig zufrieden sein, setzen Sie sich bitte mit uns in Verbindung.