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Books by Alfio Quarteroni

Alfio Quarteroni (see

Author of a huge amount of books

Professor and Chair of Modelling and Scientific Computing (CMCS) at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing of EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland), since 1998.

Professor of Numerical Analysis at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy) since 1989 and Scientific Director of MOX, since 2002.

Research Interests :

His current research involves computational fluid dynamics, modelling and simulation of haemodynamics, numerical analysis of domain decomposition methods with application to multi-physics problems.

Awards and Honors :

  • NASA Group Achievement Award for the pioneering work in Computational Fluid Dynamics as a member of the ICASE numerical analysis and algorithms group, 1992.
    Member of the Lombard Academy of Science (Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere) (since 1995).
  • Chairman of the Mathematics and Computer Science RTN evaluation panel of the E.U., 1999.
  • Co-chairman (with P.L.Lions) of the AMIF research programme of the European Science Foundation (1996-2001).
  • Recipient of the Galileian Chair, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (2001).
    Premio Agrumello 2003.
  • Laurea Honoris Causa in Naval Engineering , University of Trieste, Italy, October 2003.
  • Recipient of one of the SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize 2004 (for a paper in collaboration with A. Veneziani and P. Zunino).
  • IACM (International Association for Computational Mechanics), Fellow Award, 2004.
  • Member of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, (Italian National Academy of Sciences) 2004.
  • President of the Evaluation Panel "Mathematics and Computer Sciences" of CIVR, 2005.