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Books by Kate Williams (Oxford, UK)

KATE WILLIAMS manages Upgrade, the Study Advice Service at Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with students from Foundation to Ph.D. level and has written a range of books and materials on study skills. She is the Pocket Study Skills series editor. EMILY BETHELL completed her interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Biology, Anthropology and Psychology in 2009 and now works as a Senior Lecturer in Primatology and Animal Behaviour at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. JUDITH LAWTON works as an English and Additional Language Adviser and is former Deputy Head of Hounslow EAL Service, UK. She has undertaken doctoral research in bilingual learner education and has 40 years of experience in teaching and teacher training. CLARE PARFITT-BROWN is a Senior Lecturer in Dance at the University of Chichester, UK. Her Ph.D. focused on the history of the can-can and led to ongoing research into the cultural histories of popular dance practices. MARY RICHARDSON completed an ESRC-funded Ph.D. investigating the assessment of Citizenship Education in 2008. She is now a Senior Lecturer in Education at Froebel College, Roehampton University, UK and continues to develop research in the areas of both assessment and citizenship education. VICTORIA ROWE worked as a piano teacher for many years prior to completing her Ph.D. in 2008. She is currently a Teaching Associate at the University of Sheffield, UK and also works as a freelance researcher.