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Past Masters S. Books

Renaissance Thinkers By James McConica
Renaissance Thinkersby James McConica
Very Good
Paul By E. P. Sanders
Paulby E. P. Sanders
Very Good
Freud By Anthony Storr
Freudby Anthony Storr
Very Good
Disraeli By John Vincent
Disraeliby John Vincent
Very Good
Francis Bacon By Anthony Quinton
Francis Baconby Anthony Quinton
Very Good
Great Political Thinkers By Quentin Skinner
Great Political Thinkersby Quentin Skinner
Very Good
Erasmus By James McConica
Erasmusby James McConica
Very Good
Victorian Thinkers By A.L.Le Quesne
Victorian Thinkersby A.L.Le Quesne
Very Good
Aquinas By Anthony Kenny
Aquinasby Anthony Kenny
Very Good
Berkeley By J. O. Urmson
Berkeleyby J. O. Urmson
Very Good
Three Great Economists By D. D. Raphael
Three Great Economistsby D. D. Raphael
Very Good
Hobbes By Richard Tuck
Hobbesby Richard Tuck
Very Good
The British Empiricists By John Dunn
The British Empiricistsby John Dunn
Very Good
German Philosophers By Roger Scruton
German Philosophersby Roger Scruton
Very Good
Lamarck By L.J. Jordanova
Lamarckby L.J. Jordanova
Very Good
Vico By Peter Burke
Vicoby Peter Burke
Very Good
Gibbon By J. W. Burrow
Gibbonby J. W. Burrow
Very Good
Wycliffe By Anthony Kenny
Wycliffeby Anthony Kenny
Founders of Faith By Michael Carrithers
Founders of Faithby Michael Carrithers
Very Good
Founders of Thought By R. M. Hare
Founders of Thoughtby R. M. Hare
Very Good
Francis Bacon By Anthony Quinton
Francis Baconby Anthony Quinton
Durkheim By Frank Parkin
Durkheimby Frank Parkin
Very Good
Galileo By Stillman Drake
Galileoby Stillman Drake
Very Good
Coleridge By Richard Holmes
Coleridgeby Richard Holmes
Very Good
Mill By William Thomas
Millby William Thomas
Engels By Terrell Carver
Engelsby Terrell Carver
Very Good
Machiavelli By Quentin Skinner
Machiavelliby Quentin Skinner
Well Read
Adam Smith By D. D. Raphael
Adam Smithby D. D. Raphael
Very Good
Virgil By Jasper Griffin
Virgilby Jasper Griffin
Very Good
Clausewitz By Michael Howard, QC
Clausewitzby Michael Howard, QC
Well Read
Chaucer By George Kane
Chaucerby George Kane
Very Good
Aristotle By Jonathan Barnes
Aristotleby Jonathan Barnes
Well Read
Spinoza By Roger Scruton
Spinozaby Roger Scruton
Very Good
Gandhi By B. C. Parekh
Gandhiby B. C. Parekh
Very Good
Schopenhauer By Christopher Janaway
Schopenhauerby Christopher Janaway
Very Good
Greek Philosophers By C. C. W. Taylor
Greek Philosophersby C. C. W. Taylor
Very Good
Machiavelli By Quentin Skinner
Machiavelliby Quentin Skinner
Very Good
Confucius By Raymond Dawson
Confuciusby Raymond Dawson
Well Read
Johnson By Pat Rogers
Johnsonby Pat Rogers
Very Good
Darwin By Jonathan Howard
Darwinby Jonathan Howard
Very Good
Thomas More By Anthony Kenny
Thomas Moreby Anthony Kenny
Well Read
Bergson By Leszek Kolakowski
Bergsonby Leszek Kolakowski
Very Good
Keynes By Robert Skidelsky
Keynesby Robert Skidelsky
Very Good
Arnold By Stefan Collini
Arnoldby Stefan Collini
Very Good
Mendel By Vitezslav Orel
Mendelby Vitezslav Orel
Very Good
Marx By Peter Singer
Marxby Peter Singer
Well Read