Natanya Pitts is a writer, trainer, and Web guru in Austin, TX. She has extensive experience in the technical training realm, including overseeing the development of the materials for in-class andWeb-based training offerings. She also helped establish the AustinCommunity College Webmaster Certification program and taught in theprogram for two years.
Natanya has authored, co-authored, orcontributed to more than a dozen Web- and Internet-related titles, including XML For Dummies (1st and 2nd Editions), The XMLBlack Book, and XML In Record Time. Natanya has also taughtclasses on HTML, Dynamic HTML, and XML at several national conferences(including MacWorld, Networld + Interop, and HP World), as well as atthe NASA Ames Research Center.
You can contact Natanya Pitts [email protected].
Chelsea Valentine is a full-time trainer, writer, Webmaster...and the list goes on. She has recently worked onthe XML For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and the Hip Pocket Guide forHTML 4.01, both by IDG Books Worldwide. Chelsea spends most of herdays teaching HTML and XML for Austin Community College and in her sparetime, she maintains the LANWrights Web site.
While in college, Chelsea worked for LANWrights, helping out any way she could. Aftergraduating from the University of Texas, Chelsea took off to LatinAmerica and then found her way to Washington, D.C. While working for ahuman rights nonprofit organization, she began working with othernonprofit organizations, teaching them how to get their Web sites up andrunning. Longing for home, she returned to Austin and picked up whereshe left off with LANWrights. Now a full-fledged writer and trainer, shefills almost every waking hour working and playing with HTML code.