Jason Brittain is a Senior Principal Software Engineer for Orbital Sciences Corporation, working at NASA's Ames Research Center on theKepler Space Telescope mission (http: //kepler.nasa.gov).
Jason is a co-author of Tomcat: The Definitive Guide, now in itssecond edition, and has written some web articles for O'Reilly'sOnJava.com web site.
Before joining the team on the Kepler mission, Jason was a SeniorSoftware Engineer at Symantec Corporation working on the BrightmailAntiSpam appliance product line's control center web application.
Jason's specialties include Java software development, Tomcat webapplication development and deployment, scalability and faulttolerance, and Apache Ant build systems, and Linux systemadministration. He has contributed to many Apache Jakarta projects, and has been an active open source software developer for severalyears.
Ian Darwin has worked in the computer industry for three decades: with Unix since 1980, Java since 1995, and OpenBSD since 1998. He wrote the freeware file(1) command used on Linux and BSD and is the author of "Checking C Programs" with "Lint and Java Cookbook" (both O'Reilly), as well as over 70 articles, in addition to university and commercial course material on C and Unix. Besides programming and consulting, Ian teaches Unix, C, and Java for Learning Tree International, one of the world's largest technical training companies.