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Books by Jon E. Grant
Dr. Jon Grant and Dr. Suck Won Kim direct the Impulse Control Disorders Clinic at the University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry. Their patient population includes people suffering from pathological gambling disorder, kleptomania, compulsive shopping, compulsive sexual behavior, skin picking, and trichotillomania. Dr. Grant and Kim have conducted some of the pioneering work in the pharmacotherapy of pathological gambling and compulsive shopping. They have been asked to present their work at numerous medical conferences, including the annual meetings of the American Psychiatric Association and the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation. Their work on pathological gambling has also been featured in local as well as national and international news publications. Dr. Grant, lead author, received his J.D. from Cornell University, his M.D. from Brown University, and an advanced degree in public health from Harvard University. He has been interviewed by numerous news agencies including National Public Radio, the BBC, and USA Today. His work has even drawn the attention of Jay Leno and Saturday Night Live. Dr. Grant will be featured in an HBO special on stealing to be aired in fall 2001, in which he will discuss the problem of kleptomania, legal implications of this illness, and his work treating this disorder.