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Books by Joshua Miller
Joshua Miller worked as a social worker, group worker, family therapist, agency director and community organizer for twenty years in Seattle, London, Dublin and Western Massachusetts before becoming a professor of Social Work at Smith College, where he teaches antiracism courses and currently serves as the Chair of the Social Policy Sequence. Joshua continues to do antiracism work in agencies and communities across the United States and has published numerous articles about various aspects of racism and antiracism. He also specializes in disaster mental health and has responded to many disasters, including 9/11, the Asian Tsunami, and Hurricane Katrina. He is currently engaged in practice and research for a forthcoming book on culturally responsive disaster mental health in a global context. Ann Marie Garran has been in practice in New York City since 1992. Her clinical work has been primarily with adolescents and their families, both in outpatient and school settings and has focused on trauma, and issues related to oppression and poverty. Currently, Ann Marie is Clinical Supervisor at the Hunter College Employee Assistance Program in New York, NY. Her primary areas of professional interest include issues of race and social work practice, integration of psychodynamic theory and clinical practice, adolescent mental health, and clinical supervision. She has done antiracism work in communities and agencies, and is a diversity consultant in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. Ann Marie has been an adjunct instructor at Smith College School for Social Work since 1999, where she has taught antiracism courses as well as courses in psychological theory and in group theory and practice.