"Every decade or so, as knowledge about geostatistical concepts has developed and evolved, a book has appeared that has seemed to uniquely define the discipline at that point in time. This is one of those books, providing a remarkable synthesis of all that this field of study is about and has become over the last 10 years. It is clearly the best overall presentation of geostatistical theory and methodology currently available today. As a teaching resource, the book provides comprehensive coverage of all the major geostatistical topics of both current and historical interest. This book is unmistakably the leader in its field today, and it will likely be so throughout most of the decade to come. Anyone seriously engaged in the development and practice of geostatistical methodology will want to have a copy close at hand. Goovaerts is to be commended for his tireless efforts in producing a volume that should stand the test of time." -- Timothy Coburn, Technometrics, Nov 2000, Vol 42, No 4 "A thorough and up-to-date overview of the theory and practice of modern geostatistics for an audience that is more than the usual devotees from mining and oil exploration. . . .What I liked about the book is its clear explanations of often difficult material, and the generous use of comparisons and clear rules on how to proceed which make it much easier than it first seems." --Earth Science Reviews "...I feel that this tome is a valuable reference for anyone interested in, or actively involved with, geostatistics. Instructors will certainly find the book a useful classroom reference..."--Journal of Geoscience Education "It is an excellent, concise introduction and review for the different and new aspects of geostatistics....The figures and illustrations throughout the book are abundant, clear, and impressive....The book is a must for anyone involved in geostatistical work or teaching a class in this subject." --American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin "Authoritative." --The Leading Edge "This is the third book in the Applied Geostatistics series by Oxford University Press. Goovaerts has succeeded in blending practical applications with appropriate rigor and recent contributions in applied geostatistics. Overall, the book is divided into nine chapters that follow the sequence of data analysis that a practitioner might apply to a multivariate chemical and geological data set.. . . a valuable reference for the practical application of geostatistics and particularly for kriging."--Journal of Environmental Quality "Data in environmental science are inevitably distributed in space and/or time. Geostatistical techniques developed in the 1960s in response to the need to predict ore resources from limited spatial sampling have come to be widely adopted in environmental science. Particular soil scientists have been at the forefront of such applications and Pierre Goovaerts has been a leading exponent. To date most of the literature on geostatistics has been in scientific journals and the publication of a substantial text on the subject is to be welcomed. It is very much an advanced text, designed for graduate students or research staff. . . . This is a book for the shelves of libraries in institutions where there are graduate-level courses in the subject or where research workers need detailed guidance on geostatistics."--Progress in Environmental Science "Every decade or so, as knowledge about geostatistical concepts has developed and evolved, a book has appeared that has seemed to uniquely define the discipline at that point in time. This is one of those books, providing a remarkable synthesis of all that this field of study is about and has become over the last 10 years. It is clearly the best overall presentation of geostatistical theory and methodology currently available today. As a teaching resource, the book provides comprehensive coverage of all the major geostatistical topics of both current and historical interest. This book is unmistakably the leader in its field today, and it will likely be so throughout most of the decade to come. Anyone seriously engaged in the development and practice of geostatistical methodology will want to have a copy close at hand. Goovaerts is to be commended for his tireless efforts in producing a volume that should stand the test of time." -- Timothy Coburn, Technometrics, Nov 2000, Vol 42, No 4