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Patterns of World History von Sivers

Patterns of World History By von Sivers

Patterns of World History by von Sivers

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Patterns of World History, Third Edition, offers a distinct framework for understanding the global past through the study of origins, interactions, and adaptations. Authors Peter von Sivers, Charles A. Desnoyers, and George B. Stow examine the full range of human ingenuity over time and space in a comprehensive, evenhanded, and critical fashion.

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Patterns of World History Summary

Patterns of World History: Volume Two: From 1400 with Sources by von Sivers

Patterns of World History, Third Edition, offers a distinct framework for understanding the global past through the study of origins, interactions, and adaptations. Authors Peter von Sivers, Charles A. Desnoyers, and George B. Stow examine the full range of human ingenuity over time and space in a comprehensive, evenhanded, and critical fashion. The authors offer a distinct intellectual framework for the role of innovation and historical change through patterns of origins, interactions, and adaptations. Each small or large technical or cultural innovation originated in one geographical center or independently in several different centers. As people in the centers interacted with their neighbors, the neighbors adapted to--and in many cases were transformed by--the innovations. By adaptation the authors include the entire spectrum of human responses, ranging from outright rejection to creative borrowing and, at times, forced acceptance. Seeing patterns of various kinds in historical development brings to light connections and linkages among peoples, cultures, and regions that might not otherwise present themselves.Such patterns can also reveal differences among cultures that other approaches to world history tend to neglect. For example, the differences between the civilizations of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres are generally highlighted in world history texts, but the broad commonalities of human groups creating agriculturally-based cities and states in widely separated areas also show deep parallels in their patterns of origins, interactions, and adaptations. Such comparisons are at the center of Patterns of World History. This kind of analysis offers insights into how an individual innovation was subsequently developed and diffused across time and space--that is, the patterns by which the new eventually becomes a necessity in daily lives. Through all of this we gain a deeper appreciation of the unfolding of global history from its origins in small, isolated areas to the vast networks of global interconnectedness in our present world.The authors' use of a broad-based understanding of continuity, change, and innovation allows them to restore culture in all its individual and institutionalized aspects--spiritual, artistic, intellectual, scientific--to its rightful place alongside technology, environment, politics, and socioeconomic conditions. Understanding innovation in this way allows this text to help illuminate the full range of human ingenuity over time and space in a comprehensive, evenhanded, and open-ended fashion.

Patterns of World History Reviews

I can't imagine a better book than this. It makes teaching a balanced course so much easier and provides substantial resources for students.--Marika Snider, Miami University I really value the broad scope of Patterns of World History. I also like the 'patterns' between cultures and historical development; they place everything within a wide context. The authors keep their approach consistent throughout the chapters, which supplements my lectures nicely.--AnnaMarie Vallis, California State University, Fresno The 'Seeing Patterns' questions at the start of each chapter help students look for the larger themes, while the maps, illustrations, and primary source quotes are wonderful. The instructor's supplemental material, both online and in print, is amazingly good.--Michael Johnson, Northwest Arkansas Community College Patterns of World History elevates the level of discourse, and makes students aware that there are higher levels of understanding facts.--Gilmar Visoni, Queensborough Community College

About von Sivers

Peter von Sivers is Associate Professor of History at the University of Utah. Charles A. Desnoyers is Professor of History and Director of Asian Studies at La Salle University. George B. Stow is Professor of History and Director of the Graduate Program in History at La Salle University.

Table of Contents

Maps Studying with Maps Preface Note on the Dates and Spellings About the Authors PART THREE: The Formation of Religious Civilizations, 600-1450 CE Chapter 15. The Rise of Empires in the Americas, 600-1550 CE The Legacy of Teotihuacan and the Toltecs in Mesoamerica -Militarism in the Mexican Basin -Late Maya States in Yucatan The Legacy of Tiwanaku and Wari in the Andes -The Expanding State of Tiwanaku -The Expanding City-State of Wari American Empires: Aztec and Inca Origins and Dominance -The Aztec Empire of Mesoamerica -The Inca Empire of the Andes Imperial Society and Culture -Imperial Capitals: Tenochtitlan and Cuzco -Power and Its Cultural Expressions Patterns Up Close: Human Sacrifice and Propaganda Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 15 15.1--The Temple of the Jaguars, Chichen Itza 15.2--Skeletons in a Wari royal tomb site, El Castillo de Huarmey, Peru 15.3--Bernal Diaz, The Conquest of New Spain 15.4--Pedro Cieza de Leon on Incan roads 15.5--Garcilaso de la Vega, The Walls and Gates of Cuzco Against the Grain: Amazon Rain Forest Civilizations PART FOUR: Interactions across the Globe, 1450-1750 Chapter 16. Western European Overseas Expansion and the Ottoman-Habsburg Struggle, 1450-1650 The Muslim-Christian Competition in the East and West, 1450-1600 -Iberian Christian Expansion, 1415-1498 -Rise of the Ottomans and Struggle with the Habsburgs for Dominance, 1300-1609 Patterns Up Close: Shipbuilding The Centralizing State: Origins and Interactions -State Transformation, Money, and Firearms Imperial Courts, Urban Festivities, and the Arts -The Ottoman Empire: Palaces, Festivities, and the Arts -The Spanish Habsburg Empire: Popular Festivities and the Arts Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 16 16.1--Christopher Columbus, The Book of Prophecies 16.2--Thomas the Eparch and Joshua Diplovatatzes, The Fall of Constantinople 16.3--Evliya Celebi, A Procession of Artisans at Istanbul 16.4--Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, The Court of Suleiman the Magnificent 16.5--Janissary musket Against the Grain: Tilting at Windmills Chapter 17. The Renaissance, New Sciences, and Religious Wars in Europe, 1450-1750 Cultural Transformations: Renaissance, Baroque, and New Sciences -The Renaissance and Baroque Arts -The New Sciences -The New Sciences and Their Social Impact -The New Sciences: Philosophical Interpretations Centralizing States and Religious Upheavals -The Rise of Centralized Kingdoms Patterns Up Close: Mapping the World -The Protestant Reformation, State Churches, and Independent Congregations -Religious Wars and Political Restoration Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 17 17.1--Examination of Lady Jane Grey, London 17.2--Sebastian Castellio, Concerning Whether Heretics Should Be Persecuted 17.3--Duc de Saint-Simon, The Daily Habits of Louis XIV at Versailles 17.4--Giorgio Vasari, The Life of Michelangelo Buonarotti 17.5--Galileo Galilei, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina de' Medici Against the Grain: The Digger Movement Chapter 18. New Patterns in New Worlds: Colonialism and Indigenous Responses in the Americas, 1500-1800 The Colonial Americas: Europe's Warm-Weather Extension -The Conquest of Mexico and Peru -The Establishment of Colonial Institutions The Making of American Societies: Origins and Transformations -Exploitation of Mineral and Tropical Resources Patterns Up Close: The Columbian Exchange -Social Strata, Castes, and Ethnic Groups -The Adaptation of the Americas to European Culture Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 18 18.1--Hernan Cortes, Second Letter from Mexico to Emperor Charles V 18.2--Marina de San Miguel's Confessions before the Inquisition, Mexico City 18.3--Nahuatl Land Sale Documents, Mexico 18.4--The Jesuit Relations, French North America 18.5--The Salem Witch Trials, British North America Against the Grain: Juana Ines de la Cruz Chapter 19. African Kingdoms, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the Origins of Black America, 1450-1800 African States and the Slave Trade -The End of Empires in the North and the Rise of States in the Center -Portugal's Explorations along the African Coast and Contacts with Ethiopia -Coastal Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade American Plantation Slavery and Atlantic Mercantilism -The Special Case of Plantation Slavery in the Americas -Slavery in British North America -The Fatal Triangle: The Economic Patterns of the Atlantic Slave Trade Culture and Identity in the African Diaspora -A New Society: Creolization of the Early Atlantic World Patterns Up Close: Voodoo and Other New World Slave Religions Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 19 19.1--Abd al-Rahman al-Saadi on the Scholars of Timbuktu 19.2--Letter of Nzinga Mbemba (Afonso I) of Kongo to the King of Portugal 19.3--Documents concerning the slave ship Sally, Rhode Island 19.4--The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano 19.5--Castas Paintings, Mexico Against the Grain: Oglethorpe's Free Colony Chapter 20. The Mughal Empire: Muslim Rulers and Hindu Subjects, 1400-1750 History and Political Life of the Mughals -From Samarkand to Hindustan -The Summer and Autumn of Empire Patterns Up Close: Akbar's Attempt at Religious Synthesis Administration, Society, and Economics -Mansabdars and Bureaucracy -The Mughals and Early Modern Economics -Society, Family, and Gender Science, Religion, and the Arts -Science and Technology -Religion: In Search of Balance -Literature and Art Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 20 20.1--Babur, The Baburnama 20.2--Muhammad Dara Shikuh, The Mingling of Two Oceans 20.3--Edicts of Aurangzeb 20.4--Muhammad Ghawth Gwaliori, The Five Jewels 20.5--Calico textile Against the Grain: Sikhism in Transition Chapter 21. Regulating the Inner and Outer Domains: China and Japan, 1500-1800 Late Ming and Qing China to 1750 -From Expansion to Exclusion -The Spring and Summer of Power: The Qing to 1750 Patterns Up Close: The China Trade -Village and Family Life -Science, Culture, and Intellectual Life The Long War and Longer Peace: Japan, 1450-1750 -The Struggle for Unification -The Tokugawa Bakufu to 1750 -Growth and Stagnation: Economy and Society -Hothousing Japaneseness: Culture, Science, and Intellectual Life Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 21 21.1--Treaty between Koxinga and the Dutch government, Formosa 21.2--Matteo Ricci, China in the Sixteenth Century 21.3--Emperor Qianlong's Imperial Edict to King George III 21.4--Chikamatsu Monzaemon, Goban Taiheiki 21.5--Honda Toshiaki, Secret Plan for Managing the Country Against the Grain: Seclusion's Exceptions PART FIVE: The Origins of Modernity, 1750-1900 658 Chapter 22. Patterns of Nation-States and Culture in the Atlantic World, 1750-1871 Origins of the Nation-State, 1750-1815 -The American, French, and Haitian Revolutions Patterns Up Close: The Guillotine Enlightenment Culture: Radicalism and Moderation -The Enlightenment and Its Many Expressions -The Other Enlightenment: The Ideology of Ethnolinguistic Nationalism The Growth of the Nation-State, 1815-1871 -Restoration Monarchies, 1815-1848 -Nation-State Building in Anglo-America, 1783-1900 Romanticism and Realism: Philosophical and Artistic Expression to 1850 -Romanticism -Realism Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 22 22.1--Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 22.2--Olympe de Gouges, The Declaration of the Rights of Woman 22.3--Voltaire, Torture from the Philosophical Dictionary 22.4--Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France 22.5--Thomas Paine, Rights of Man Against the Grain: Defying the Third Republic Chapter 23. Creoles and Caudillos: Latin America in the Nineteenth Century, 1790-1917 Independence, Constitutionalism, and Landed Elites -Independence in the Southern Cone: State Formation in Argentina -Brazil: From Kingdom to Republic -Independence and State Formation in Western and Northern South America Patterns Up Close: Slave Rebellions in Cuba and Brazil -Indepedence and Political Development in the North: Mexico Latin American Society and Economy in the Nineteenth Century -Rebuilding Societies and Economies -Export-Led Growth -Culture, Family, and the Status of Women Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 23 23.1--Memoirs of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna 23.2--Simon Bolivar, The Jamaica Letter 23.3--Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Travels in the United States in 1847 23.4--Amulet containing passages from the Qur'an, worn by Muslim slaves who rioted in Bahia, Brazil 23.5--Photograph of a Chinese coolie, Peru Against the Grain: Early Industrialization in Chile? Chapter 24. The Challenge of Modernity: East Asia, 1750-1910 China and Japan in the Age of Imperialism -China and Maritime Trade, 1750-1839 -The Opium Wars and the Treaty Port Era Patterns Up Close: Interaction and Adaptation: Self-Strengthening and Western Science and Eastern Ethics -Toward Revolution: Reform and Reaction to 1900 -In Search of Security through Empire: Japan in the Meiji Era Economics and Society in Late Qing China -The Seeds of Modernity and the New Economic Order -Culture, Arts, and Science Zaibatsu and Political Parties: Economics and Society in Meiji Japan -Commerce and Cartels -Enlightenment and Progress: Science, Culture, and the Arts Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 24 24.1--Lin Zexu's Letter to Queen Victoria of Great Britain 24.2--Narrative of the British ship Nemesis during the First Opium War 24.3--A Boxer rebel and a British family killed during the Boxer Rebellion 24.4--The Meiji Constitution of the Empire of Japan 24.5--Natsume Soseki, Kokoro Against the Grain: Reacting to Modernity Chapter 25. Adaptation and Resistance: The Ottoman and Russian Empires, 1683-1908 Decentralization and Reforms in the Ottoman Empire -Ottoman Imperialism in the 1600s and 1700s -The Western Challenge and Ottoman Responses -Iran's Effort to Cope with the Western Challenge Patterns Up Close: Sunni and Shiite Islam Westernization, Reforms, and Industrialization in Russia -Russia and Westernization -Russia in the Early Nineteenth Century -The Great Reforms -Russian Industrialization -The Abortive Russian Revolution of 1905 Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 25 25.1--Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Letters from the Levant 25.2--Imperial Edict of the Rose Garden 25.3--Writings of Baha'u'llah 25.4--Tsar Alexander II's Abolition of Serfdom 25.5--Nikolai Chernyshevsky, What Is to Be Done? Against the Grain: Precursor to Lenin Chapter 26. Industrialization and Its Discontents, 1750-1914 Origins and Growth of Industrialism, 1750-1914 -Early Industrialism, 1750-1870 -The Spread of Early Industrialism -Later Industrialism, 1871-1914 Patterns Up Close: The Age of Steam The Social and Economic Impact of Industrialism, 1750-1914 -Demographic Changes -Industrial Society -Critics of Industrialism -Improved Standards of Living -Improved Urban Living -Big Business Intellectual and Cultural Responses to Industrialism -Scientific and Intellectual Developments -Toward Modernity in Philosophy and Religion -Toward Modernity in Literature and the Arts Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 26 26.1--Charles Dickens, Hard Times 26.2--The Death of William Huskisson, First Casualty of a Railroad Accident 26.3--Young Miners Testify to the Ashley Commission 26.4--Karl Marx, Wage Labour and Capital 26.5--Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species Against the Grain: The Luddites Chapter 27. The New Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century, 1750-1914 The British Colonies of India, Australia, and New Zealand -The British East India Company -Direct British Rule -British Settler Colonies: Australia Patterns Up Close: Military Transformations and the New Imperialism European Imperialism in the Middle East and Africa -The Rising Appeal of Imperialism in the West -The Scramble for Africa Western Imperialism and Colonialism in Southeast Asia -The Dutch in Indonesia -Spain in the Philippines -The French in Vietnam Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 27 27.1--The Azamgarh Proclamation 27.2--Ismail ibn 'Abd al-Qadir, The Life of the Sudanese Mahdi 27.3--Edward Wilmot Blyden, Liberian Independence Day Address 27.4--Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden 27.5--Mark Twain, To the Person Sitting in Darkness Against the Grain: An Anti-Imperial Perspective PART SIX: From Three Modernities to One, 1914-PRESENT Chapter 28. World Wars and Competing Visions of Modernity, 1900-1945 The Great War and Its Aftermath -A Savage War and a Flawed Peace -America First: The Beginnings of a Consumer Culture and the Great Depression -Great Britain and France: Slow Recovery and Troubled Empires Patterns Up Close: The Harlem Renaissance and the African Diaspora -Latin America: Independent Democracies and Authoritarian Regimes New Variations on Modernity: The Soviet Union and Communism -The Communist Party and Regime in the Soviet Union -The Collectivization of Agriculture and Industrialization New Variations on Modernity: Supremacist Nationalism in Italy, Germany, and Japan -From Fascism in Italy to Nazism in the Third Reich -Japan's Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and China's Struggle for Unity Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 28 28.1--ANZAC troops at Gallipoli in August 1915 28.2--Vera Brittain, Testament of Youth 28.3--Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile, Foundations and Doctrine of Fascism 28.4--Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf 28.5--Franklin D. Roosevelt, undelivered address planned for Jefferson Day Against the Grain: Righteous among the Nations Chapter 29. Reconstruction, Cold War, and Decolonization, 1945-1962 Superpower Confrontation: Capitalist Democracy and Communism -The Cold War Era, 1945-1962 -Society and Culture in Postwar North America, Europe, and Japan Populism and Industrialization in Latin America -Slow Social Change -Populist Guided Democracy The End of Colonialism and the Rise of New Nations -China Has Stood Up -Decolonization, Israel, and Arab Nationalism in the Middle East -Decolonization and the Cold War in Asia Patterns Up Close: Bandung and the Origins of the Non-Aligned Movement -Decolonization and Cold War in Africa Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 29 29.1--The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 29.2--Winston Churchill, The Iron Curtain Speech 29.3--Letters on the Cuban Missile Crisis, between Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev 29.4--Ho Chi Minh, The Path Which Led Me to Leninism 29.5--Indira Gandhi, What Educated Women Can Do Against the Grain: Postwar Counterculture Chapter 30. The End of the Cold War, Western Social Transformation, and the Developing World, 1963-1991 The Climax of the Cold War -The Soviet Superpower in Slow Decline Transforming the West -Civil Rights Movements From Underdeveloped to Developing World, 1963-1991 Patterns Up Close: From Women's Liberation to Feminism -China: Cultural Revolution to Four Modernizations -Vietnam: War and Unification -The Middle East -Africa: From Independence to Development -Latin America: Proxy Wars Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 30 30.1--Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World 30.2--Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream 30.3--Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex 30.4--Coverage of the Tiananmen Square Protests 30.5--Salvador Allende, Last Words to the Nation Against the Grain: The African National Congress Chapter 31. A Fragile Capitalist-Democratic World Order, 1991-2014 Capitalist Democracy: The Dominant Pattern of Modernity -A Decade of Global Expansion: The United States and the World in the 1990s -Two Communist Holdouts: China and Vietnam -A Decade of Global Shifts: Twenty-First-Century Currents and Cross-Currents Patterns Up Close: Social Networking The Environmental Limits of Modernity Putting It All Together Patterns of Evidence: Sources for Chapter 31 31.1--Osama bin Laden, Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places 31.2--Vladimir Putin, Address to the Duma concerning the annexation of Crimea 31.3--Mohammed Bouazizi triggers the Arab Spring, Tunisia 31.4--Arundhati Roy, Capitalism: A Ghost Story 31.5--United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Copenhagen Against the Grain: North Korea, Lone Holdout against the World Further Resources Credits Source Index Subject Index

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Patterns of World History: Volume Two: From 1400 with Sources by von Sivers
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Oxford University Press Inc
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