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Seeking Refuge: Navid's Story - A Journey from Iran Andy Glynne

Seeking Refuge: Navid's Story - A Journey from Iran von Andy Glynne

Seeking Refuge: Navid's Story - A Journey from Iran Andy Glynne

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This picture book captures a real-life account of a young boy's journey from Iran to seek asylum in a new country.

Seeking Refuge: Navid's Story - A Journey from Iran Zusammenfassung

Seeking Refuge: Navid's Story - A Journey from Iran Andy Glynne

This picture book tells the story of Kurdish Iranian refugee, Navid. When Navid was four years old his father was forced to flee Iran as there were threats on his life.

Told in Navid's own words, the story highlights the terror and hardship that Navid and his mother suffered in their long journey to follow his father to a safe place, and the strange feelings that Navid had towards him when they were reunited.

The BAFTA award-winning Seeking Refuge stories were originally produced as animations for the BBC. These powerful and evocative stories have now been captured in book form as rich, visual testimonies of the torment, hope and resolution of young refugees who are seeking asylum and adjusting to life in new countries all over the world.

The series of five books form an excellent cross-curricular resource that looks at asylum, war, separation and integration and what it is to be a refugee today making them ideal for tying into Refugee Week.

Seeking Refuge: Navid's Story - A Journey from Iran Bewertungen

This is the rue story of Navid, an Kurdish-Iranian refugee, who was forced to flee from Iran after his father's life was threatened. Touchingly told in Navid's own words, the story highlights the terror and hardship that Navid and his mother suffered on their long journey to follow his father to a safe place ... The language is simple but the emotions are powerful -- these books should be read by anyone who wants to understand more * Parents In Touch *

Über Andy Glynne

Navid's Story - A Journey from Iran is told in his own words.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Seeking Refuge: Navid's Story - A Journey from Iran Andy Glynne
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hachette Children's Group
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