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The Guilty Gardener Annabel Christie

The Guilty Gardener von Annabel Christie

The Guilty Gardener Annabel Christie

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Annabel Christie is wracked by guilt. It was rediscovering her late father's letter after thirty years, which finally did it. A thunderbolt to Annabel's conscience, the letter was a reminder of her idyllic childhood spent in a wonderful, wild garden, her lost love for nature, and the broken bond between father and daughter.

The Guilty Gardener Zusammenfassung

The Guilty Gardener: A memoir of love, waxwings and rewilding Annabel Christie

Wracked by guilt for breaking a childhood bond with her naturalist father and fearful for the future of the planet in light of the catastrophic impact of climate change, Annabel sets out on a personal journey of redemption. She seeks to reconnect with nature and wildlife in the one place she knows she can make a real difference - her own, barren, neglected garden.

Guided by her eccentric, octogenarian neighbour, and with the ghost of her late father never far from her thoughts, Annabel begins to rediscover the therapeutic art of wildlife gardening. Her moving and often very funny green odyssey travels from an idyllic nature-filled childhood of hay meadows, hedgehogs and waxwings in the 1970s to the present day where biodiversity loss is reaching crisis point.

The Guilty Gardener neatly blends quirky memoir with pertinent observation of our natural world while showcasing the key to successful wildlife gardening. Illustrated with exquisite line drawings, it reminds us of the simple necessity and beauty of nature and how rewilding can restore love, hope, even life itself.

This book is a lovely demonstration of the importance of gardening for wildlife and enjoying all the benefits this brings, both for our natural world and also for our own wellbeing.
Estelle Bailey, CEO, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust

Über Annabel Christie

Annabel Christie began her writing career in the 1990s as a financial journalist for The Telegraph. Since then, she has held several high-profile public relations positions including Head of Communications for the medical research charity Tommy's. She now writes solely for pleasure and is a volunteer and wildlife ambassador for her local Wildlife Trust. The Guilty Gardener is her first book.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Guilty Gardener: A memoir of love, waxwings and rewilding Annabel Christie
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Troubador Publishing
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