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How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published Ashley Lister

How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published von Ashley Lister

How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published Ashley Lister

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The definitive, indispensable guide to writing quality short stories and getting them published.

How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published Zusammenfassung

How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published Ashley Lister

This book will help you plot like a pro, master the art of suspense like Poe, craft captivating dialogue like Twain and - most crucially - get your short stories published.

How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published is the essential guide to writing short fiction. It takes the aspiring writer from their initial idea through to potential outlets for publication and pitching proposals to publishers.

Along the journey this guide considers the most important aspects of creative writing, such as character, plot, point of view, description and dialogue. All of these areas are illustrated with examples of classic fiction, and accompanied by exercises that will help every writer hone their natural skill and talent into the ability to craft compelling short stories.

How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published Bewertungen

Does what it so clearly says on the tin . . . This 'how to' book is proof of [Lister's] skills and experience. . . A perfect addition to any writer's desk -- Matthew Tett * Writing in Education *

Über Ashley Lister

Ashley Lister is the author of more than fifty full-length titles and countless short stories. His work has been published in a variety of national magazines, celebrated anthologies and academic journals. Ashley has lectured in Creative Writing for more than a decade, writing and running a broad range of courses. He recently completed his PhD in Creative Writing where his thesis considers the relationship between plot and genre in short fiction.

Zusätzliche Informationen

How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published Ashley Lister
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Little, Brown Book Group
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