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101 Life Skills Games for Children Bernie Badegruber

101 Life Skills Games for Children von Bernie Badegruber

101 Life Skills Games for Children Bernie Badegruber

Zustand - Wie Neu
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101 Life Skills Games for Children Zusammenfassung

101 Life Skills Games for Children: Learning Growing Getting Along Bernie Badegruber

How do you teach tolerance, self-awareness and responsibility? How can you help children deal with fear, mistrust or aggression? Play a game with them! Games are an ideal way to help children develop social and emotional skills. They can be both exciting and relaxing and are a source of fun. 101 LIFE SKILLS GAMES FOR CHILDREN is a collection of activities that help children deal with the problems and needs that arise in daily interactions with other children. Examples from the book include how to integrate the new girl into the group, safe ways of letting off steam and how to deal with a false accusation. Covering a wide range of play methods the games feature improvisation, pantomime, role play, relaxation, competition and co-operation. There are also movement, language and guessing games, circle games and warm-ups. Each game has clearly specified objectives suggestions for variations and a set of questions that help the group reflect on the issues addressed in the game. This book is a great resource for everyone who deals with children's groups whether at school, in day-care, in therapy or simply when organising an informal play date. Ages 6-12

Zusätzliche Informationen

101 Life Skills Games for Children: Learning Growing Getting Along Bernie Badegruber
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hunter House Inc.,U.S.
Commended for Benjamin Franklin Award (Education/Teaching) 2006
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