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Curiocities: Where Complex Cities Meet Curious Minds Chong Jin Chua (Ntu, S'pore)

Curiocities: Where Complex Cities Meet Curious Minds von Chong Jin Chua (Ntu, S'pore)

Curiocities: Where Complex Cities Meet Curious Minds Chong Jin Chua (Ntu, S'pore)

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Curiocities: Where Complex Cities Meet Curious Minds Zusammenfassung

Curiocities: Where Complex Cities Meet Curious Minds Chong Jin Chua (Ntu, S'pore)

What happens when complex cities meet curious minds? Starting with this simple question, Curiocities explores the work of 10 personalities whose careers have taken them places and introduced them to diverse peoples and practices.Whether through their work in fields like diplomacy, research and media or through their creative projects as novelists, travel writers and photographers, they show compellingly how sparks fly when complex cities meet curious minds.For all 10 individuals, it is their sense of curiosity and their willingness to embrace the complexities of peoples, places and practices that have helped them not only survive but thrive. All 10 have the added edge of recording their experiences in writing as, to quote renowned travel writer Pico Iyer, 'a way to wake oneself up and keep as alive as when one has just fallen in love'.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Curiocities: Where Complex Cities Meet Curious Minds Chong Jin Chua (Ntu, S'pore)
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
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