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The Pope's Children David McWilliams

The Pope's Children von David McWilliams

The Pope's Children David McWilliams

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How today's generation is changing the face of Ireland

The Pope's Children Zusammenfassung

The Pope's Children: Ireland's New Elite David McWilliams

Meet the Pope's Children - the new Irish generation, born either side of the Pope's visit, who have been squeezed into the middle and lifted up by the Celtic Tiger.

David McWilliams' brilliant, bestselling survey of Ireland today is a celebration of success. He takes us to Deckland, that suburban state of mind where you'll find the Kells Angels, those out-of-town commuters who are the cutting edge of the new prosperity. He introduces the HiCos - the Hiberno-Cosmopolitans - the elite whose distance from Deckland is measured in their cool sophistication, their ability to feel at home equally on the Boulevard Saint-Michel and on Hill 16.

The Pope's Children is an antidote to the endless pessimism of the Commentariat, official Ireland's gloomy opinion mongers, forever seeing a glass half empty that is in fact three-quarters full. There is a vast surge of ambition, new money, optimism and hope out there. That's the real story: The Pope's Children tells it with style.

Über David McWilliams

David McWilliams - economist, lecturer and broadcaster - is the presenter of 'The Big Bite' on RTE television. He also writes a weekly opinion column in The Sunday Business Post.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Pope's Children: Ireland's New Elite David McWilliams
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