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Where Do Wishes Go? Debra Bertulis

Where Do Wishes Go? von Debra Bertulis

Where Do Wishes Go? Debra Bertulis

Zustand - Wie Neu
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An exciting debut collection full of magic, adventure, humour and empathy

Where Do Wishes Go? Zusammenfassung

Where Do Wishes Go?: Poems Debra Bertulis

Poetry transports you

Over land and air and sea

Find your poetry door today

You already have the key

Ride a silver-maned unicorn, make a witches' brew, head to Star City and become an astronaut. Name your pet mouse Fred, find secrets in the forest and enjoy those glad-to-be-alive days. But don't impersonate your mum on the telephone!

From changing schools and missing friends to standing up for nature and helping to save our Earth. Find poems about being kind, feeling sad, or going on an adventure...there's something for everyone in this book.

Über Debra Bertulis

Debra Bertulis has been writing all her life. She is a staged playwright, story writer and poet, though it is poetry which has been a constant companion and her greatest passion.

Her poems have been widely anthologised by some of the UK's best-known poets, performed at Festivals worldwide and included on the LAMDA examination syllabus.

She has 'the best job in the world' visiting schools and libraries enabling children of all abilities to engage with poetry and to become poets themselves.

She lives in Herefordshire with her family.

Jess Mason studied illustration at the University of Worcester and graduated with a First in 2018. She is drawn to stories and poems containing adventure, humour and fantasy. Jess takes inspiration from folk art, medieval manuscripts, Renaissance maps and film to create illustrations that are characterful and atmospheric, using a combination of hand-rendered and digital processes. She lives in Worcester.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Where Do Wishes Go?: Poems Debra Bertulis
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Otter-Barry Books Ltd
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