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Reading Culture Diana George

Reading Culture von Diana George

Reading Culture Diana George

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Reading Culture Zusammenfassung

Reading Culture: Contexts for Critical Reading and Writing Diana George

Acclaimed for its compelling readings and provocative images, Reading Culture provides students with outstanding instruction on how to read and write critically about the culture that surrounds them.


Readings and content new to this edition are marked with an *

Introduction: Reading Culture

Raymond Williams, Culture is Ordinary

* A Guide to Visual Analysis

* Reading Images

* Reading Film

1. Reading the News

Where Do People Get their News?

* Young America's News Source: Jon Stewart

Audience Survey

* Reading Visual Displays of Information

Reading Television News

Terms to Keep in Mind as you Read Television News

Analyzing Content and Audience In Television News

Analyzing Visual and Verbal Codes

Reading Newspapers

The Look of the Front Page: Analyzing Visual Design

Continuing News: Covering a Story

Reading About the News-Reporting War

* The New York Times Editors, The Times and Iraq

* Amy Goodman and David Goodman, Un-Embed the Media

* Aaron Barnhart, Embedded Journalists offer Riveting Reporting

* Joe Sacco, Complacency Kills

* WIRED CULTURE: Reporting War in the Blogosphere

* Reading Websites

* Frank Rich, The Nightly News: Anchorman Get Your Gun

Writing About the News


2. Generations

Gloria Naylor, Kiswana Browne

Arlie Russell Hochschild, Gen (Fill in the Blank): Coming of Age, Seeking an Identity

Thomas Hine, Goths in Tomorrowland

* Sharon Jayson, It's Time to Grow Up-Later

* Margaret Morganroth Gullette, Trapped in Decline Culture

* WIRED CULTURE: Instant Messaging

* Conor Boyland, Confessions of an Instant Messenger

* Perspectives:

* The New Momism: An Interview with Susan J. Douglas by Amy Reiter

* Mommy Madness: An Interview with Judith Warner by Katy Read

* Classic Reading

Margaret Mead, We are All Third Generation

Visual Culture: Representations of Youth Culture in Movies

James Gilbert, Juvenile Delinquency Films

* FILM CLIP: Hollywood Stars: Brando, Dean, and Monroe

Fieldwork: Ethnographic Interviews

Susan D. Craft, Daniel Cavicchi, and Charles Keil, My Music

Fieldwork Project

A Note on Interviewing

Mining the Archive: Life Magazine

3. Schooling

Theodore R. Sizer, What High School Is

Leon Botstein, Let Teenagers Try Adulthood

Mike Rose, Crossing Boundaries

* Thinking About Textbooks: Sex Education

Min-Zhan Lu, From Silence to Words: Writing as Struggle

June Jordan, Nobody Mean More to Me Than You and the Future Life of Willie Jordan

* WIRED CULTURE: Powerpoint

* Edward R. Tufte, PowerPoint Is Evil

Perspectives: Gender Gap

* Lawrence Summers' Remarks at the NBER Conference on Diversifying the Science and Engineering Workforce (Web link)

* Katha Pollitt, Summers of Our Discontent

* Christina Hoff Sommers, Where Do Boys Fit In?

Classic Reading

Lisa Delpit, Skills and Other Dilemmas of a Progressive Black Educator

Visual Culture: Picturing Schooldays

FILM CLIP: Reading and Writing About Film: Reviews, Histories, Criticism

Fieldwork: Classroom Observation

Field Log


Writing the Report

Worth Anderson, et al., Observations and Conclusions from Cross-Curricular Underlife: A Collaborative Report on Ways with Academic Words

Mining the Archives: Textbooks from the Past

4. Images

Stuart and Elizabeth Ewen, In the Shadow of the Image

* Suggestions for Reading Advertising

* Michael Jacobson and Laurie Anne Mazur, The Iron Maiden: How Advertising Portrays Women

* Visual Essay: Reading the Gaze: Gender in Advertising

* Visual Essay: Rewriting the Image

Visual Essay: Public Health Messages

* Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor, When you Meet Estella Smart, You Been Met!

* WIRED CULTURE: Photographic Truth in a Digital Age

* Brian Bergstein Digital Photography Poses Thorny Issues for Justice System

Classic Reading

James Agee, A Way of Seeing: An Introduction to the Photographs of Helen Levitt

* FILM CLIP: Storyboarding: Editing and Camera Work

* Fieldwork: Taking Inventory

Mining the Archive: Advertising Through the Ages

5. Style

Dick Hebdige, Style in Revolt: Revolting Style

* Visual Essay: Graphic Design in Rock Culture

* Theme Parties

* Mark Lawson, The Very Nasty Party

* Shana Pearlman, Mistaken Identity: The Peril of Theme Parties

* Gregg Easterbrook, The Axle of Evil

* Visual Essay: American Car Culture

Visual Essay: Tibor Kalman, Sweet-Talking Spaghetti Sauce: How to Read a Label


* Rob Walker, Aura

* Andrew Sullivan, Society Is Dead: We Have Retreated into the iWorld

Perspectives: Branding

Naomi Klein, No Logo

The Economist, Who's Wearing the Trousers?

Classic Reading

* Roland Barthes, The Face of Garbo

* FILM CLIP: Makeup and Costumes: Monsters and the Middle Ages

Mining the Archive: Race and Branding

6. Public Space

* Tina McElroy Ansa, The Center of the Universe

John Fiske, Shopping for Pleasure: Malls, Power, and Resistance

Murphy Davis, Woodruff Park and the Search for Common Ground

Eva Sperling Cockcroft and Holly Barnet-Sanchez, Signs from the Heart: California Chicano Murals

* WIRED CULTURE: Cell Phone Spaces

* Annie Nakao, Cell Phone Etiquette: Shut up, Already!

* Perspectives: Public Roadsides. Private Grief-Roadside memorials and Public Policy

* L. Anne Newell, Roadside Crosses: Centuries-Old Tradition Can Stir Controversy

* Jeff Burlew, Memorials Cause Controversy

Classic Reading

Jane Jacobs, The Uses of Sidewalks-Safety

* Visual Culture:The Troubled Landscape

* Jason Berry and Richard Misrach, Cancer Alley

* FILM CLIP: Filming Dystopia

Fieldwork:Uses of Public Space: A Place to Rest

Mapping the Space

Watching People

Mining the Archives: Take a Walking Tour

7. Storytelling

* Patricia Hampl, Red Sky in the Morning

Jan Harold Brunvand, `The Hook' and Other Teenage Horrors

Patricia A. Turner, I Heard It Through the Grapevine

Michael Chabon, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

* WIRED CULTURE: Video Games and Storytelling

* Tom Loftus, Bringing Emotions to Video Games

* Perspectives: Film Reviews: The Case of Spider-Man 2

* Todd Gilchrist, Spider-Man 2 from FilmStew.com

* Roger Ebert, Spider-Man 2

Classic Reading

Robert Warshow, The Gangster as Tragic Hero

* Visual Culture: The Graphic Novel-Reader Participation

* Marjane Satrapi, The Veil, from Persepone

* FILM CLIP: Book to Film-The Adaptation

Fieldwork:Writing a Questionnaire

Suggestions for Designing a Questionnaire

Sample Questionnaire

Report on Your Findings

Mining the Archive:Comic Strips and Comic Books

8. Work

Sandra Cisneros, The First Job

* Martin Espada, Alabanza: In Praise of Local 400

Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle

Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickel-and-Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America

* WIRED CULTURE: Business in Bangalore

* Thomas L. Friedman, The Great Indian Dream

* David Moberg, Hi-Tech Hijack: Corporations Ramp up Offshoring of IT Service Jobs

Perspectives:Sweatshop Economy

Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, Two Cheers for Sweatshops

Tom Hayden and Charles Kernaghan, Pennies an Hour and No Way Up

Classic Reading

Tillie Olson, I Stand Here Ironing

* Visual Culture: Reading Documentary Photography

* Charles Bowden, Cameras of Dirt

* FILM CLIP: Film Documentary and the Narrator

Fieldwork: Reconstructing the Network of a Workplace

James P. Spradley and Brenda J. Mann, The Cocktail Waitress

Fieldwork Project


Analysis: Reconstructing the Social Network of the Workplace


Mining the Archive:Lewis Hine and the Social Uses of Photography

9. History

Mary Gordon, More Than Just a Shrine: Paying Homage to the Ghosts of Ellis Island

* Michel-Rolph Trouillot, October 12, 1492

Jane Tompkins, `Indians': Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History

Christopher Phillips, Necessary Fictions: Warren Neidich's Early American Cover-Ups

Visual Essay: Warren Neidich, Contra Curtis: Early American Cover-Ups

Loren Baritz, God's Country and American Know-How

* Niall Ferguson, The Empire Slinks Back

* WIRED CULTURE: Virtual and Real

* Marita Sturken, The Television Image: The Immediate and the Virtual

* Perspectives: George W. Bush's Second Inaugural Address

* The Inaugural Address

* Peggy Noonan, Way Too Much God: Was the President's Speech a Case of `Mission Inebriation'?

* Tristram Hunt, Historians in Cahoots

Classic Reading

* Frederick Jackson Turner, The Significance of the Frontier in American History

Visual Culture: Photographing History

Alan Trachtenberg, Reading American Photographs

* Visual Essay: Iraq Invasion and Occupation

* FILM CLIP: Film Genres, The Western

Fieldwork: Oral History

* Studs Terkel, Dennis Keagan, Yuriko Hohri, and Paul Piscano from The Good War: An Oral History of World War Two

Considerations in Doing an Oral History

Mining the Archive: Local Museums and Historical Societies

10. Living in a Postcolonial World

Classroom Scenes

* Jamaica Kincaid, Columbus in Chains

* Suresh Canagarajah, An English Lesson in Sri Lanka

* Visual Essay: Samuel Fosso, Self Portraits

Amitava Kumar, Passport Photos

Gloria Anzaldua, How to Tame a Wild Tongue

* Laura Auricchio, Works in Translation: Ghada Amer's Hybrid Pleasures

* WIRED CULTURE: Transnational Networks

* World Social Forum, Call From Social Movements

* Perspectives: Bob Marley, Reggae, and Rasats

* Anthony Bogues, Get Up, Stand Up: The Redemptive Poetics of Bob Marley

* Robert Palmer, One Love

Classic Reading

W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Our Striving

* FILM CLIP: Film Genres--Bollywood

Visual Culture: Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gomez-Pena: Postcolonial Representation

Mining the Archive: Nineteenth-Century Orientalist Painting

Zusätzliche Informationen

Reading Culture: Contexts for Critical Reading and Writing Diana George
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Pearson Education (US)
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