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Angel Dreams Doreen Virtue

Angel Dreams von Doreen Virtue

Angel Dreams Doreen Virtue

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Dreams are gateways to other worlds, places and times. This book discusses where dreams come from, whom to call upon for dream guidance, the angels associated with dreams and basic symbols and colour meanings. It helps you discover techniques and tools to enhance your dream time, including ways to remember content upon awakening.

Angel Dreams Zusammenfassung

Angel Dreams: Healing and Guidance from Your Dreams Doreen Virtue

Dreams are gateways to other worlds, places and times. They are sacred portals in which we receive messages from Source, and they hold these powerful messages in the form of symbols brought to us by our dream guide and the angels. In Angel Dreams, Doreen Virtue and Melissa Virtue discuss where dreams come from, whom to call upon for dream guidance, the angels associated with dreams and basic symbols and colour meanings. You'll discover techniques and tools to enhance your dream time, including ways to remember content upon awakening. In addition, you'll learn to identify various types of dreams by reading personal dreams and their general interpretations. In your dream state the angels are able to communicate with you more freely, and Angel Dreams is the perfect guide to understanding these moving, pertinent messages. Keep it by your bedside so you when the angels speak to you, you will quickly be able to interpret their transformative messages.

Angel Dreams Bewertungen

Queen of Angel Therapy Daily Mail With a variety of themes, the messages in this pack are eclectic, which works brilliantly because they reflect the infinite variety of human minds and dreams. Spirit & Destiny magazine

Über Doreen Virtue

Doreen Virtue is a clairvoyant doctor of psychology who works with the angelic, elemental and ascended master realms in her writing and workshops. Dr Virtue has lectured extensively around the world and has a monthly column in Soul&Spirit magazine. She is the author of many bestselling books including The Healing Miracles of Archangel Michael, Daily Guidance from Your Angels and Archangels and Ascended Masters. www.angeltherapy.com Melissa Virtue, Doreen's daughter-in-law, began studying dreams and communicating with the angels at a young age. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner (R), a medium and a Light Resonance Healing (R) Practitioner and the co-author of Angel Dream Oracle Cards with Doreen.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Angel Dreams: Healing and Guidance from Your Dreams Doreen Virtue
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hay House UK Ltd
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