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Messy Church Theology George Lings

Messy Church Theology von George Lings

Messy Church Theology George Lings

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Brings together essays and case studies from a range of contributors examining the growth of Messy Church and discussing questions of sustainability, discipleship, all-age church, sacramental, interdenominational, ecumenical and international possibilities, and the future of Messy Church.

Messy Church Theology Zusammenfassung

Messy Church Theology: Exploring the significance of Messy Church for the wider church George Lings

An exploration of Messy Church and its theological significance for the wider church. Messy Church Theology brings together essays and case studies from a wide range of contributors examining the growth of Messy Church and discussing questions of sustainability, discipleship, all-age church, sacramental, interdenominational, ecumenical and international possibilities, and the future of Messy Church.

Über George Lings

George Lings heads up Church Army's research unit, The Sheffield Centre, which for over a decade has been at work discerning the evolving mission of the church and the resultant fresh expressions of church. He has written over 50 booklets on the evolving theory and practice of bringing to birth fresh expressions of church, through the Encounters On The Edge series, which had an international subscription base of 500. Moreover the content of his book proposal has been peer-tested for academic rigour for it rests upon the findings of a recent PhD.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Messy Church Theology: Exploring the significance of Messy Church for the wider church George Lings
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BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship)
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