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Loving your Rebellious Child H Norman Wright

Loving your Rebellious Child von H Norman Wright

Loving your Rebellious Child H Norman Wright

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Loving your Rebellious Child Zusammenfassung

Loving your Rebellious Child: A Survival Guide for Parents of Prodigals H Norman Wright

What to Do When Your Child Strays It often begins with a phone call. It may be from a police officer, teacher, pastor, friend, or even from your son or daughter. Whoever it is, they are telling you something you never wanted to hear, something that causes you to go weak with shock, disbelief, and dismay: I'm moving out, I can't stand you or your religion anymore. I'm pregnant. I'm living with my girlfriend. Mom, Dad, I'm gay. Your son has been arrested for selling drugs. Such words shake the very foundations of a home and family. Everything you've worked for, prayed for, and sacrificed for has just crumbled. Where do you go from here? Loving Your Rebellious Child is not a how-to quick fix for parents of prodigals; rather it reads more like a wise companion coming alongside to bear the pain, understand the struggle, and to offer insights gleaned from the kiln of experience.

Über H Norman Wright

Dr. H. Norman Wright is one of America's most prominent Christian counselors. He is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist. Dr. Wright is a graduate of Westmont College, Fuller Theological Seminary (M.R.E.), Pepperdine University (M.A.). He has written numerous best-selling books on Communication, Family and Parenting. His titles include Communication: Key to Your Marriage; Always Daddy's Girl; Quiet Times for Couples; The Power of a Parent's Words and the Premarital Counseling Handbook. Dr. Wright is currently on the faculty of the Talbot School of Theology and was the former director of their Graduate Department of Marriage, Family and Child Counseling.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Loving your Rebellious Child: A Survival Guide for Parents of Prodigals H Norman Wright
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