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Sensitive Hannah Jane Walker

Sensitive von Hannah Jane Walker

Sensitive Hannah Jane Walker

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Reveal the untapped potential of sensitive people

Sensitive Zusammenfassung

Sensitive: The Hidden Strength of Sensitivity & Empathy Hannah Jane Walker

'Written with such understanding and power it takes your breath away' - JEREMY VINE


Have you even been told you are being 'too sensitive'? That you should develop a thicker skin? Society tells us that it's bad to be too soft, or feel too much. But is it?

Hannah Jane Walker, a highly sensitive person, has spent years researching sensitivity. Drawing on a wide range of experts, ideas and experiences, Hannah challenges the myth that sensitivity is something negative, and seeks an answer to the question: how useful is sensitivity to the world, and what is it for?

Hannah discovers that high sensitivity is sometimes connected to higher levels of empathy, emotional intelligence and creativity, and that whatever our level of sensitivity, it can be beneficial for us all. Society has undervalued sensitivity, teaching us that only the tough succeed, but this book seeks to change that story. Sensitivity is not a weakness or something to be ashamed of, but an invaluable form of strength, offering so many new ways of looking at the world.

Über Hannah Jane Walker

Hannah Jane Walker is a poet, broadcaster and playwright from Essex. She is currently an artist in residence at Cambridge Biomedical Campus, collaborating with scientists on outdoor poetic visual art installations. With playwright Chris Thorpe she has written, performed and toured around the world The Oh Fuck Moment and I Wish I Was Lonely. Solo, she has made This is Just to Say and Highly Sensitive. As a performance poet, she has gigged in theatres, bars, boats and festivals. Most recently she has begun working in broadcasting with BBC Radio 4 and now with her own theatre poetry podcast Human Resources.


Zusätzliche Informationen

Sensitive: The Hidden Strength of Sensitivity & Empathy Hannah Jane Walker
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Octopus Publishing Group
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