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Slow Teaching Jamie Thom

Slow Teaching von Jamie Thom

Slow Teaching Jamie Thom

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Slow Teaching is Jamie Thom's brilliantly thoughtful exploration of how slowing down in all aspects of education can lead to improved student outcomes.

Slow Teaching Zusammenfassung

Slow Teaching: On finding calm, clarity and impact in the classroom Jamie Thom

Slow Teaching is a thoughtful exploration of how slowing down in all aspects of education can lead to improved student outcomes. It evaluates how this slow pedagogy will result in improved feedback, more nuanced and skilled classroom management and relationships, meaningful classroom dialogue, retention of knowledge and school leadership with attention to detail. It explores how to slowly deepen the craft of teaching to grow expert practitioners who are committed to mastering their practice. It also reflects on strategies that will enable teachers to feel calm, confident and organised in a profession that can often appear relentless.

Über Jamie Thom

Jamie Thom started his teaching career in central London and was an assistant Headteacher at the very successful Holland Park School for two years. Since relocating to the North East, he started www.teachergratitude.co.uk where he has been exploring how to deepen knowledge of pedagogy and leadership, and how to alleviate teacher stress.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Slow Teaching: On finding calm, clarity and impact in the classroom Jamie Thom
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
John Catt Educational Ltd
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