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A Brief History of the Freemasons Jasper Ridley

A Brief History of the Freemasons von Jasper Ridley

A Brief History of the Freemasons Jasper Ridley

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Ridley separates myth from truth about the Freemasons and describes the development of the secret society from its origins amongst the masons working on the great cathedrals of the Middle Ages.

A Brief History of the Freemasons Zusammenfassung

A Brief History of the Freemasons Jasper Ridley

The history of the Freemasons has often been shrouded in mystery and suspicion.

Since 1717, with the establishment of the Grand Lodge in London, the Freemasons have been a power within the nation, withstanding public disapproval and attacks, from the Catholic Church among others.

Throughout the last three hundred years, the Freemasons have been influential in some of the most important turning points in world history.

Jasper Ridley explores the role of the society in both the American and French Revolutions and whether Mozart's The Magic Flute was an expose of secret rituals. He reveals that Pushkin, Winston Churchill, Booker T. Washington, Clark Gable, Walter Scott, members of the royal family and at least sixteen US Presidents have all been Freemasons.

A Brief History of the Freemasons Bewertungen

Although some of his revelations are surprising and perhaps controversial, his greatest service is in dispelling many of the myths and fears surrounding freemasonry. This work of popular history sheds light on a frequently obscure subject. * Book List *

Über Jasper Ridley

Jasper Ridley was a former barrister turned author and became one of England's leading biographers. His later works included lives of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. His book on Lord Palmerston won the James Tait Black prize. His last work, The Freemasons, was highly acclaimed.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A Brief History of the Freemasons Jasper Ridley
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Little, Brown Book Group
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