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RSN: Fine Whitework Jenny Adin-Christie

RSN: Fine Whitework von Jenny Adin-Christie

RSN: Fine Whitework Jenny Adin-Christie

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RSN: Fine Whitework Zusammenfassung

RSN: Fine Whitework: Techniques, projects and pure inspiration Jenny Adin-Christie

Learn the historical art of fine whitework in this informative, instructional guide from the Royal School of Needlework and master skills of Jenny Adin-Christie.

This exquisite guide provides a historical background to fine whitework, and an exploration of the key stitch techniques involved in this intricate style of hand embroidery.

Discover how to master five key areas of whitework technique: sculptured, translucent, filigree, fretted and voided; then apply these to two detailed and stunning pieces - a delicate button with scabiosa motif, and an elaborate embroidery honoring the 150th anniversary of the RSN.

Clear step-by-step instructions and stitch diagrams aid the reader in their own whitework embroideries, and there is plenty of inspiration by way of Jenny Adin-Christie's own elegant works, and those of other RSN students and tutors.

Über Jenny Adin-Christie

Jenny is a professional, celebrated hand embroidery artist, designer and tutor. Her work is grounded in the technical skills she has honed at the RSN, where she has developed expertise in the working and restoration of fine whitework, metal thread work and raised (stumpwork) embroidery. Jenny has also worked on commissions including the design-management of altar frontals for Canterbury Cathedral and the Jubilee Woolsack for the Royal Hospital Chelsea; she also played a key role in the production of the applied lace panels for the wedding dress of HRH the Duchess of Cambridge.
Jenny now pursues a freelance career teaching from her studio in Surrey, UK, as well as travelling to deliver workshops across the globe. In 2022 Jenny became a Freeman of the City of London and
a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Broderers.


Zusätzliche Informationen

RSN: Fine Whitework: Techniques, projects and pure inspiration Jenny Adin-Christie
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Search Press Ltd
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