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Writing Comedy John Byrne

Writing Comedy von John Byrne

Writing Comedy John Byrne

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Writing Comedy 4th edition is a practical manual for the beginner, as well as for the more experienced writer, in developing the skills to be a successful professional comedy writer. This new edition includes useful advice on how to develop your comedy in an increasingly digital age.

Writing Comedy Zusammenfassung

Writing Comedy John Byrne

Comedy has always been one of the most high-profile, glamorous and potentially lucrative markets for scriptwriters, but it is also perceived as one of the hardest. In the fourth edition of this highly regarded handbook, John Byrne breaks down the basics of writing comedy into simple steps and shows you how to make the most of your own comedy writing talent and - just as importantly - your ability to market that talent. Here is a wealth of practical advice both on how to get your career off the ground and how to keep developing it. Whether you are writing comedy routines, sketches or sitcoms, and aiming your work at the page, the stage or the ever-expanding world of broadcasting, you will find something in this book to encourage, inform and inspire you. As with any art form, the basics of good comedy never go out of fashion. While the easy steps in this book are illustrated with examples of work by classic comedians old and new, you will also find useful advice on developing and adapting your work for the twenty-first century market, whether your aim is to promote your work online or simply to keep your gags fresh and topical in a world where the news changes by the minute and gets flashed around the world in seconds.

Writing Comedy Bewertungen

John Byrne is the guru when it comes to advice on building a successful comedy career. Unlike many advisors, he's been there and done it himself. He knows the joys and sorrows of the comedy world and is best placed to help budding comedians make the most of their talent. * Jasmine Birtles, financial journalist, author, columnist for Independent *
This is a book every comedy writer will come to value. * Ken Rock, founder member of the British Society of Comedy Writers *

Über John Byrne

John Byrne has over 25 years' experience as a working comedy writer, cartoonist and broadcaster. He is also The Stage newspaper's Entertainment Industry Career Advisor and, in addition to answering queries in his popular 'Dear John' column, has published over 40 books, many of them performance and comedy-related for adults and children.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Writing Comedy John Byrne
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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