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Tempted By Her Royal Best Friend / The Princess Who Stole His Heart Juliette Hyland

Tempted By Her Royal Best Friend / The Princess Who Stole His Heart von Juliette Hyland

Tempted By Her Royal Best Friend / The Princess Who Stole His Heart Juliette Hyland

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Reunited with her best friend the Prince!

Tempted By Her Royal Best Friend / The Princess Who Stole His Heart Zusammenfassung

Tempted By Her Royal Best Friend / The Princess Who Stole His Heart: Tempted by Her Royal Best Friend / The Princess Who Stole His Heart Juliette Hyland

Reunited with her best friend the Prince!

Trading scandal for a fresh start, nurse Hazel starts her new job and comes face to face with paediatrician Prince Syver. He was once her best friend...until he disappeared from her life with no goodbye... Royal duty took Syver away from Hazel, but he's never forgotten her. Now they have a chance to rebuild their friendship-except the new red-hot longing between them is too tempting to ignore...

From paradise fling to royal revelation!

When doctor Princess Danielle takes a fellowship in the Caribbean, she's swept off her feet by a bronzed god-cardiologist Cade. But her title is a secret...and a relationship with Cade strictly forbidden! Cade has shut the door on romance, and yet his attraction to Dani is undeniable. After finally surrendering to his desire, he fears Dani might steal his locked-up heart-especially when she reveals that their passion has had a shocking royal consequence!

Über Juliette Hyland

Juliette Hyland believes in strong coffee, hot drinks and happily ever afters! She lives in Ohio, USA, with her prince charming, who has patiently listened to many rants regarding characters failing to follow the outline. When not working on fun and flirty happily ever afters, Juliette can be found spending time with her beautiful daughters, giant dogs or sewing uneven stitches with her sewing machine.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Tempted By Her Royal Best Friend / The Princess Who Stole His Heart: Tempted by Her Royal Best Friend / The Princess Who Stole His Heart Juliette Hyland
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
HarperCollins Publishers
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