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Your Second Phase Kate Usher

Your Second Phase von Kate Usher

Your Second Phase Kate Usher

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Women - it's time to take back control because you can survive the menopause

Your Second Phase Zusammenfassung

Your Second Phase: Reclaiming work and relationships during and after Menopause Kate Usher

Menopause is a fact of every woman's life. For 75% of women, the symptoms they experience will have a detrimental effect on their ability to work, interact with colleagues and maintain relationships with those they love. It can have a corrosive effect on women's confidence, social ability and even their sense of self. Moving forward, it is important to create a conversation around menopause and how organizations and individuals can be more empathetic to women at this stage of life. In this book, Kate explores the best ways to cope with these changes, how to manage new and existing relationships and how to manage your future - all in an accessible and entertaining way.

Über Kate Usher

Kate is a highly experienced Menopause and Relationships Coach, working with women on the successful creation, development and growth of personal and career relationships during this period of intense and unpredictable change. She combines her extensive experience as a corporate change leader and her own Menopausal journey to deliver a uniquely positive approach.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Your Second Phase: Reclaiming work and relationships during and after Menopause Kate Usher
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
LID Publishing
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