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Afterlife of King James IV, The Keith John Coleman

Afterlife of King James IV, The von Keith John Coleman

Afterlife of King James IV, The Keith John Coleman

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An historical and folklore-based biography of King James IV, exploring the survival legends which followed the Scottish king's defeat at the battle of Flodden in 1513.

Afterlife of King James IV, The Zusammenfassung

Afterlife of King James IV, The: Otherworld legends of the Scottish king Keith John Coleman

The Afterlife of King James IV explores the survival stories following the Scottish king's defeat at the battle of Flodden in 1513, and how his image and legacy were used in the years that followed when he remained a shadow player in the politics of a shattered kingdom. Keith John Coleman has written a legend-based biography of James IV that straddles the gap between history and folklore that looks at the undying king motif and otherworld myths of James IV, one of Scotland's most successful rulers.

Über Keith John Coleman

Keith Coleman is a native of Dundee who currently works as a manager in local government in Cornwall. He is a writer of dark fiction and of non-fiction on the subjects of history and folklore. His expertise particularly lies in the folklore of the Scottish kings, about which he regularly blogs at angusfolklore.blogspot.co.uk. Keith lives near St Austell, Cornwall, UK.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Afterlife of King James IV, The: Otherworld legends of the Scottish king Keith John Coleman
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