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Financial Times Guide to How the Stock Market Really Works, The Leo Gough

Financial Times Guide to How the Stock Market Really Works, The von Leo Gough

Financial Times Guide to How the Stock Market Really Works, The Leo Gough

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Financial Times Guide to How the Stock Market Really Works, The Zusammenfassung

Financial Times Guide to How the Stock Market Really Works, The Leo Gough

The Financial Times Guide to How the Stock Market Really Works is an introduction to the complex world of the financial markets. Whether you are new to investing, or already have a share portfolio, this is an intelligent guidebook will guide you safely through the often confusing world of investing. Written especially for the ordinary investor, it will provide you with the key strategies you need to make money on the stock market.

Über Leo Gough

Leo Gough was the editor of two investment newsletters during the 1990's, 'The Zurich Club' and 'Taipan' for Fleet Street Publications. Since 1997 he has spent much of his time in the Asia/Pacific region, working with banks, such as Citibank, and consultancy firms, such as AT Kearney. Currently Leo is working in management consultancy in the Middle East. He is the author of more than 20 books on personal finance and investment.




Chapter 1 The 'guerrilla investor'

Chapter 2. Shares

Chapter 3. Bonds

Chapter 4. Assessing companies - issues and opportunities

Chapter 5. Investment theories and strategies

Chapter 6. Foreign exchange

Chapter 7. Derivatives

Chapter 8. Fraud and sharp practice

Chapter 9. Overseas investment

Chapter 10. Investing in other asset classes

Chapter 11.Thinking about retirement

Chapter 12. UK taxation

Chapter 13.An overview of the financial crisis

Chapter 14. Making investing part of your life

Appendix 1 - A little financial maths

Appendix 2 - Compound interest table

Further reading

Useful websites





Zusätzliche Informationen

Financial Times Guide to How the Stock Market Really Works, The Leo Gough
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Pearson Education Limited
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