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Natal Hypnotherapy Programme (for Hospital or Birth Centre) Maggie Howell

Natal Hypnotherapy Programme (for Hospital or Birth Centre) von Maggie Howell

Natal Hypnotherapy Programme (for Hospital or Birth Centre) Maggie Howell

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Presented in 4 CDs, this four-step birth preparation programme aims to build your skills, abilities and confidence in your body's ability to give birth. It helps you: increase your energy and feelings of well being; getting improved sleep; maintain a healthy blood pressure; and, reduce, even eliminate aches and pains.

Natal Hypnotherapy Programme (for Hospital or Birth Centre) Zusammenfassung

Natal Hypnotherapy Programme (for Hospital or Birth Centre): A Self Hypnosis CD Programme for a Better Pregnancy and Birth Experience Maggie Howell

"The Natal Hypnotherapy Programme" has been designed to give you the maximum benefit, practice and experience of using these powerful techniques to ensure you have a truly wonderful pregnancy and birth experience. It is a four step programme which builds your skills, abilities and confidence in your body. "The Pregnancy Relaxation CD" will help you: increase your energy and feelings of well being; getting improved sleep; maintain a healthy blood pressure; reduce, even eliminate aches and pains; increase communication with your baby; maintain a feeling of calm and relaxation; and, learn techniques that will help with giving birth. "The Effective Birth Preparation CD (Hospital or Birth Centre)" will help you to: reduce fear of giving birth; increase your ability to manage and reduce pain; develop a deep trust of your bodies ability to give birth naturally; feel calm, relaxed and prepared for the birth; increase your sense of being in control; increase your chance of having a drug fee labour; and, reduce the chances of having post natal depression. The "Relaxing birth music CD" will help you to: enhance the deep relaxation you can achieve by listening to the music CD during labour. It acts as it is a subconscious trigger to relax and recall all the positive suggestions you will take in while listening to the birth preparation CD. "The Fast Post Natal recovery CD" will help you to: increase your confidence as a new mother; recover at a faster rate; have easy, natural lactation and breastfeeding; have a deep refreshing sleep (even if it is only for half an hour); return fast to pre-pregnancy shape and size; have a sense of calm and tranquillity; have an increased bond with your baby; and, have a decreased chance of post natal depression.

Natal Hypnotherapy Programme (for Hospital or Birth Centre) Bewertungen

Lindsey Whitehead 28th May 2006 Hospital Prepare to conceive and the Natal Programme "Thank you so much for producing such excellent CDs which are the sole reason I was able to have a quick and totally manageable labour with my first child. I had been recommended your CDs by my friend, but I was sceptical that I would be able to use them in my labour when the pain got bad, as I am such a "control freak" in my life that I struggle to relax, but I gave them a go - on the basis there was nothing to lose. I suffered a miscarriage last year at 13 weeks- my husband and I were devastated. The same friend sent me the preparing to conceive CD - I got pregnant immediately but was then incredibly stressed at the thought of losing another baby. I listened to the relaxation CD every day, and it really helped me calm down and remain positive about the pregnancy, and connect with the tiny baby (now 8lbs 8!!). Thankfully everything went well and I began listening to the birth prep CD from about 33 weeks onwards. It helped me relax, but I never really believed it would be able to take away or help me control the pain of serious labour, as I'm a real wimp. I hoped however it would get me through the initial stages so when I got to hospital for some "proper" pain relief I wouldn't be sent home and told I was only at 1cm, as had happened to friends. When my labour started I remained calm, relaxed and focused on breathing; I relaxed as much as possible during and between contractions and reminded myself of the things on the cd. I thought I would stay at home as long as I felt able to manage the contractions, but as I've said, I always intended to go into hospital for drugs when they became necessary. I listened to the CD constantly for about 4 hrs lying down in a dark room with my husband using the 3,2,1 relax technique, then suddenly decided to go to hospital - I don't know what changed, as the contractions were always bearable if I breathed through them and relaxed, but I just wanted to go in. When I got there I was amazed to be told the baby's head was right there and I was ready to push! The midwives were amazed at how calm and relaxed I was, given this was a first baby, and that I'd managed the contractions and then the pushing without any drugs - I was even fully dressed at this point, having not had time to take off my shoes or jewellery! About 10 mins later my son was born, looking very lively and after a remarkably quick and painless labour. I am sure that none of the above would have been possible without the relaxation CDs taking away the "fear" of labour and pain. As I have said, I never set out to have a natural labour and was convinced I would need pethidine at the very least, but had no problem with that. I also thought I am the least susceptible person to hypnosis as I'm so manic, and never imagined I would be able to entirely manage my pain and the whole labour by concentrating on the breathing, relaxing as much as possible and reminding myself this was nothing to be afraid of and my body would manage this by itself. I cannot recommend these CDs highly enough or thank you Maggie for making the thing I'd spent at least the last trimester worrying about pass amazingly easily and manageably." Diane Whittinghall 7th January 2006 Chelsea and Westminster hospital Listened to the full Natal programme 20+ times "I was induced at 38 weeks and 4 days due to high blood pressure/pre-eclampsia with prostaglandin gel (2 times). I went into labour 12 hours after the second lot. My waters broke at 8:15am and at around midday I went to the labour ward. I stood up for the contractions and lent over the hospital bed, breathed and listened to the birth music on mp3 player. When 8cm dilated, baby's oxygen levels dropped. I was told to lie on my side with an oxygen mask on. The registrar was concerned but I felt in control and felt that if I breathed deeply, everything would be okay. It was, baby's oxygen levels went up and I stayed on the bed with the oxygen mask on. I gave birth in a semi-squatting position leaning over the head of the bed at 7:20pm. It wasn't actually painful at all! The head of the labour ward (midwife) said that I didn't look like I was in labour and that they should give your CDs free to everyone!" Liz Rider 16th January 2006 QEII Hospital Herts Listened to the Birth preparation CD 20+ times "I started with cramps on Sunday evening which developed into contractions on Monday lunch time. I was having 20-30 second contractions every 2 minutes. The hospital told me to call back when they were really painful, at least 60 seconds long and 3-4 minutes apart. I was told my baby was trying to get into labour. At 6pm my waters broke and the hospital asked me to come in saying they would probably send me home but needed to check me. I arrived at hospital at 7pm and was told the water birth expert would arrive in 1 hours which wasn't a problem unless I was a miracle case. A while later the midwife confirmed I was fully dilated! Officially active labour was 2 hours and 27 minutes. A very positive experience. Pain - what pain?!!!" "My midwife was amazed how clam I was without pain relief. One of the doctors was sure I had had an epidural based on my calm demeanour." Ann McNeeney "Excellent CD. I know now I should have purchased them earlier and listened to them a lot more. I refused all painkillers, I knew I could get through with breathing correctly and remembering what you said on the CD. I was so tired but amazingly positive and kept my sense of humour throughout." Fleur Shaw "I often listened to the CDs at night in bed, consequently so did my husband. We both slept well and he was equally as calm. I was lucky enough to have the kind of birth experience I only dared to dream about. I am fully aware that these things don't always go to plan. I felt no anxiety during the labour and did indeed trust my body to do the right thing...which it did. I was able to have micronaps whilst in the bath between contractions - I do feel the CD had a big part to play in that." Angela Dawson "The CDs are perfect the way they are. Thank you for enabling me to have the type of birth I really wanted. Third baby and the first with no drugs". Kathy Evans "Really relaxed me whilst listening to them and helped me sleep in the day, which I normally can't do. We arrived at the hospital at 12.30. Midwives commented on how calm and relaxed I was. I was 5 cm. Within an hour and a half I was fully dilated. After about 6 pushes Evie was born. As she had the cord around her neck I had to stop pushing, which I managed easily - again by breathing techniques and visualizing - so thank you! Midwives commented on how calm and relaxed I was". Rachel Kellar

Über Maggie Howell

Maggie didn't set out to become a birth expert - in fact, she's an unlikely convert. She was a busy international sales executive who only reluctantly attended a self hypnosis course to help her with her first birth. But she was blown away by the mind's ability to control the body's response to pain and 3 months later, she had a peaceful, manageable birth at home without so much as a paracetamol - to the surprise of her and her NHS midwife who said: "Maggie appeared to be 'sleeping' during most of her contractions, breathing slightly more deeply as they peaked. She used no pharmacological methods of pain relief and conducted her labour and delivery entirely under self-hypnosis. She appeared to experience no pain and very little discomfort." It was the turning point in her life. Inspired by her experiences, she trained to become a clinical hypnotherapist and left her job to pursue her new life goal: to teach other women the techniques which help them have a positive birth. The result was Natal Hypnotherapy(t), the UK's leading provider of hypnosis for childbirth. The philosophy is simple: to help women have a better birth. Maggie's work is revolutionising women's birth experiences by teaching them to overcome fear and work with their bodies during birth. Maggie says: "In our society, fear has become the overriding emotion pregnant women feel about childbirth - something fuelled by TV depictions and horror stories other mums love to tell. We have not been brought up to see birth as a positive thing, so we've lost confidence in our own ability to give birth naturally and so go into it fearful and anxious - feelings which cause much of the pain and complications in birth." The facts speak for themselves: Natal Hypnotherapy(t) users have an average caesarean rate up to half the national average and are recommended by 97% of users. Medical research has repeatedly found that hypnosis reduces surgical intervention, use of pain medication, mum's pain perception, and labour times. Maggie says: "This could revolutionise the way women give birth. If we could give every pregnant woman in the UK a Natal Hypnotherapy(t) CD to listen to we could save the NHS a fortune and change birthing culture!" It may not be on prescription yet, but Maggie's work is already changing the birthing world. Thanks to Maggie, effective birth preparation is no longer only available for those with the luxury of money and time. Her range of self-hypnosis CDs for pregnancy and birth, and new book "effective birth preparation - your practical guide to a better birth" are accessible for everyone, and designed to fit into a hectic life. From terrified teenage mums to women planning their sixth home birth, the techniques have helped women from all walks of life have a more positive birth. Today, Maggie has personally trained over 500 midwives, has a network of practitioners who teach the techniques in comprehensive workshops all over the country, regularly appears as a birth expert across the media, and has used the techniques for the births of each of her five sons plus helping in excess of 100,000 women have a better pregnancy and birth experience!


Step 1. The Pregnancy Relaxation CD is a wonderful introduction to using self Hypnosis and teaches you relaxation breathing techniques. Step 2. Begin listening to the Effective Birth Preparation from 32 weeks. This builds on the relaxation and breathing techniques learned in step 1 and leads you into preparing for the birth Step 3. Relaxing birth music CD. This relaxing music (the same music used in the background of the Birth preparation CDs) is a wonderful edition to the Natal Hypnotherapy range. Mothers use the music when they go into labour as it is a subconscious trigger to relax and recall all the positive suggestions you will take in whilst listening to the birth preparation CD. Step 4. The Fast Post Natal recovery CD can be listened to in the last week of pregnancy and then as often as possible in the first few weeks after the birth.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Natal Hypnotherapy Programme (for Hospital or Birth Centre): A Self Hypnosis CD Programme for a Better Pregnancy and Birth Experience Maggie Howell
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