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Abel's Daughter Meg Hutchinson

Abel's Daughter von Meg Hutchinson

Abel's Daughter Meg Hutchinson

Zustand - Wie Neu
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A Birmingham saga in the grand tradition of Josephine Cox

Abel's Daughter Zusammenfassung

Abel's Daughter Meg Hutchinson

Shocked beyond measure at her wrongful arrest and imprisonment, Phoebe Pardoe finds it hard to adjust to the harsh cruelty of life in the infamous Handsworth Prison. Physically abused and beaten, she struggles to maintain her unconquered spirit, not knowing that her detention was the work of her jealous Aunt Annie. But Phoebe has a guardian angel in the form of Sir William Dartmouth who eventually engineers her release. Despite being free, Phoebe must continue to fight, struggling to make a living for herself in the face of prejudices and forge her own path in the male dominated business world. And Aunt Annie has not given up her perverse quest for revenge...In the grand, gritty tradition of Josephine Cox and Catherine Cookson, Meg Hutchinson gives us the dramatic saga of a woman wronged, who rises above adversity to grasp happiness and freedom at last.

Über Meg Hutchinson

Meg Hutchinson left school at fifteen and didn't return to education until she was thirty-three, when she entered Teacher Training College and studied for her degree in the evenings. Telling stories and writing compositions have been part of Meg's life since a child and she now indulges this passion in a little cottage in Shropshire.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Abel's Daughter Meg Hutchinson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hodder & Stoughton
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Das Buch wurde gelesen, ist aber in gutem Zustand. Alle Seiten sind intakt, der Einband ist unversehrt. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren am Buchrücken. Das Buch wurde gelesen, sieht jedoch noch wie neu aus. Der Bucheinband weist keine sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren auf. Gegebenenfalls ist auch ein Schutzumschlag verfügbar. Keine fehlenden oder beschädigten Seiten, keine Risse, eventuell minimale Knicke, keine unterstrichenen oder markierten Textstellen, keine beschrifteten Ränder.