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Stand By The Colours Nicholas Carter

Stand By The Colours von Nicholas Carter

Stand By The Colours Nicholas Carter

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The fifth book in the Shadow of the Crown historical series

Stand By The Colours Zusammenfassung

Stand By The Colours Nicholas Carter

To William Sparrow and his men, the woods of Dorset are a snow-covered sanctuary - even on Christmans Day - from the horrors of Penmethock and pursuit by the King's men. In the opening days of 1644, there seems to be little hope for Parliament's soldiers.Hugo Telling has finally returned home. Hoping for a warm welcome and a temporary refuge, Hugo is also ready to introduce his 'wife', Bella Morrison, to his family. But the Telling family is now as affected by the war as any in England; Hugo's brother has volunteered - but on Parliament's side, and it is impossible for either man to ignore the other's loyalties.

When Telling and Bella make their way back to Price Rupert's stronghold in Oxford they must consider their justifications for Hugo's absence. Surprisingly Bella is ordered to the Queen's service, and now it is up to her to save Hugo - if, for the first time, she is able to put another's needs above her own. And all the while the Scots, the hardiest fighters of all, are making their way through the North of England, bringing new dangers and new fear to the torment that is the civil war.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Stand By The Colours Nicholas Carter
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Pan Macmillan
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