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His Princess On Paper / Breaking The Best Friend Rule Nina Milne

His Princess On Paper / Breaking The Best Friend Rule von Nina Milne

His Princess On Paper / Breaking The Best Friend Rule Nina Milne

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His Princess On Paper / Breaking The Best Friend Rule Zusammenfassung

His Princess On Paper / Breaking The Best Friend Rule: His Princess on Paper (Royal Sarala Weddings) / Breaking the Best Friend Rule (Invitation from Bali) (Mills & Boon True Love) Nina Milne


In this Royal Sarala Weddings story, reluctant Prince Rohan can no longer ignore the ticking clock of his future. The solution? A beneficial marriage on paper to a neighbouring princessand Elora fits the bill. Whilst guarded Elora is wary of Rohans hard-edged reputation, shes also duty-bound to accept. However, when sparks ignite the moment their eyes meet, they realise they can have fun faking the fairy taleuntil it starts to feel dangerously real!


In this Invitation from Bali story, Charlottes best friend Ben has always been her rock. So when Ben needs Charlotte to attend his mothers surprise Bali wedding, of course she accepts. Only while in paradise Charlotte starts to see Ben differently Blame it on the jet lag or the sultry heatthey just cant resist stolen sunset kisses! But with their friendship at stake, dare they break the rules and take things to the next level?

Über Nina Milne

Nina Milne has loved Mills & Boon, since as a child she discovered stacks of M&B books hidden in the airing cupboard so is thrilled to now write for them. Nina spent her childhood in England, US and France. Since then she has acquired an English degree, 1 hero-husband, 3 gorgeous children and a house in Brighton where she plans to stay. After all she can now transport herself via her characters to anywhere in the world whilst sitting in pyjamas in her study. Bliss! Justine writes uplifting, heart-warming contemporary romances. She lives in Australia with her hero husband, two teenagers and outgoing puppy. When she isnt writing she loves to walk her dog in the bush near her house, attempt to keep her garden alive, and search for the perfect frock. She loves hearing from readers and you can visit her at justinelewis.com.

Zusätzliche Informationen

His Princess On Paper / Breaking The Best Friend Rule: His Princess on Paper (Royal Sarala Weddings) / Breaking the Best Friend Rule (Invitation from Bali) (Mills & Boon True Love) Nina Milne
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
HarperCollins Publishers
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